Page 21 - Training for Librarianship Library Work As a Career
P. 21
work." Yet even he was forced to add the
reservation, "But training in sound methods
will help to provide a passable substitute for
natural aptitude." Between 1903, when this
was written, and 1919, opinion in England
had undergone considerable change; this is
evident from the fact that in September,
1919, the School of Librarianship, the first
library training school of its kind in Great
Britain, was established at the Univer-
sity of London.
Preparation for library work may be
attained tlirough self-education, through ap-
prenticeship training, through experience in
a library, through attendance at summer
school, evening, or other special courses at
an existing school or university, or through
attendance at one of the library schools.
Certain qualities which predispose one for the
work may be inborn, such as love of children
in one planning to pursue library work with
children ; but whatever the individual natural
talents possessed, training itself is indispen-
sable. Effective work in any library to-day
is predicated on intimate knowledge of