Page 15 - Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932
P. 15

"Our honoured leader and friend  the "Director of a Section in the
                                  Hirschfeld has had  a  series  of  Institute  for  Sexual  Science",
                                  brilliant  successes  in America".  whose  favourite study was ob-
                                  We may leave  it to the Ameri-  viously  homosexuality,  as may
                                  cans  to determine what sort of  be gathered from' a pamphlet he
                                  successes  this  half-Bolshevist  published  entitled  "Prostitution
                                  "mother-protector" had  in  their  among Men?". Another of Hirsch-
                                  country.  His "scientific" literary  feld's collaborators was Dr. Lewy-
                                  output consisted  chiefly of such  Lenz. He was the author of an
                                  works  as  "The  Homosexual  "Open  Letter  to Women" with
                                  Question as judged by Our Con-  a  descriptive  representation  of
                                  temporaries", "What  ought  the  contra-conception  and  abortion.
                  Peter Panter    Public to know about the Third  He  was  also  the  editor  of  Ignaz Wro'bel
                                  Sex?", "Sexual Transitions", "The  the Berlin  periodical "Die Ehe"
              Erotic  Impulse  to  wear  Other                                 (Marriage)  which was  richly  illu-
              Dress", "The Homosexuality of Man                                strated  with  photographs  of  the
              and  Woman",  "Sexology"  (!),  "A                               nude.
              History  of the Morals of the World                                 Obvious  importance  attaches  to
              War",  etc., which were then recom-                              the former  Berlin  Municipal  doctor
              mended  to  the  public  in  absolutely                          Dr. Max Hodann,  whose  speciality
              unambiguous terms. He was also the                               was  onanism.  In  the "Workmen's
              editor  of the "Year-book  for Sexual                            Sexual Paper" mentioned above, he
              Intermediate Stages". One of Hirsch-                             dealt  with  "Inquiries  from  Read-
              feld's most "important" collaborators                            ers", which he probably often enough
              was Dr. Felix Abraham. He achieved                               wrote himself.  In  this deparment he
              a certain notoriety owing to the publi-                          speaks of sexual matters in a manner
              cation of pornographic photographs in                            which  beggars  all  description. Any
              connexion with the case of the Berlin                            normal man would blush to the roots
              watchmaker  Fritz Ulbrich who was                                of  his  hair merely  to read what  is
              murdered by the juvenile "friends" of                                   there. We
                                                                               written          could  give  spe-
              his fiancee Lieschen Neumann. This                               cimens which would demonstrate  in
              filthy work was published under the                              black and white the shamelessness of
              title "Fritz Ulbrich's Living Marble",                           these "sexual researchers"  but must
              with  an  introduction  by  Dr. Felix                            refrain  since  the  reader  of  this
              Abraham and Dr. Erich Wullen (also                               pamphlet  would  rightly  object  to
                                                     Kurt Tu cholshy
              a Jew) in the Viennese Jewish "Press                             the  reproduction  of  such  nastiness.
              for Cultural Research", and was for-  The representative of the rootless Jewish  especially  interesting  that  the
                                                                               It  is
                                              man o\ letters who himself changes his
              bidden even  in republican Germany.                              Jew Max Hodann marks the connec-
                                              own name as required. The four pseu-
              This publishing house brought out a  donyms,  Peter Panter,  Ignaz Wrohd,  tion  between Communism  and  his
                                              Kaspar Hauser and  Theobald  Tiger,
              whole series of books on the "history                            endeavours  at  "reform"  and  avaits
                                              were all disguises used by the same Kurt
              of morals"  the  titles  of which we      Tucholsky.             from  it  the  "liberation"  from  the
              cannot  reproduce  since  the  reader
                                                                               "backward" moral code  of  present-
                                   would  rightly  object to such  a  day morals.
                                  piling up  of  erotic  expressions.  When some of Hodan's books were
                                  They are all concerned with the  confiscated in Stuttgart, a protest
                                  theme  of  "history  of  morals"  was  at once  published by  the
                                  in  its various  aspects  or with  following Jews: Freymuth, Presi-
                                  the  theme  "woman".  It  is  dent  of  a Division  of  the Law
                                  positively amazing what fertility  Courts,  Kroner,  Judge  in  the
                                  these  disguised  pornographs  Supreme  Administrative  Court,
                                  show in discovering, fresh erotic
                                                              Danziger, President of the State
                                  expressions  for  the  titles  of  Court,  and  Justizrat  Mamroth.
                                  their books and for the arousing  Communist and "sexual reform"
                                  of  the  lower  appetites  of  the  endeavours  are  very  closely
                                  public.  Another  of  Hirschfeld's  interwoven  in  this  connection.
                Theobald Tiger                                                               Kaspar Hauser
                                  collaborators was Richard Linsert,  When  the  Bolshevist  female

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