Page 18 - Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932
P. 18

The "Vossische Zeitung" (circulation 75,000—90,000) was  Th. Sternberg in Tokio. The circulation was over 300,000.
              run by Jews whose numbers  included Qeorg Bernhard  AH these papers professed to be "bourgeois", while in the
              (chief editor), Elbau (alias Mandelbaum), Misch, Guttmann,  text and between the lines everything that was Communist
              Bernauer, Caspary, Goldstein, Salomon, Osborn, Schulvater,  and Bolshevist was fostered with a kindly hand and encou-
              Wiesenthal and Eloesser.                         raged with benevolent applause.
                 The staff of the "B.Z. am Mittag" (circulation ca. 160,000)  When the Bolshevist Soviet film "Cruiser Potemkin" came
              included such Jews as Hollering, Falk, Jakobsohn, Kiaulehn,  to Berlin, Alfred Kerr hailed  it as "a marvel, a marvel!", as
              Muhsam, Hackenberger, and others.                if it were one of the eternal creations of art of all nations
                 For the "Tempo"  (circulation 125,000) mention may be  and times.
              made of Gutmann,  Jacobi, Lachmann, Lustig and Zucker-  The staff of Mosse's "8-Uhr-Abendblatt", which belonged
              kandl.                                           to the Jew Victor Hahn and bore the grotesque sub-title of
                 The country population was worked upon through the  "National Paper", included the following Jews: H. Zucker,
              ..Grune  Post"  (circulation  920,000), founded by  the Jew  F. Hirsch, Frankfurter, M. Hochdorf, E. Leimdorfer, L. Heller,
              Richard Katz.                                    F. Hollander, P. Pinthus and E. Neckarsulmer. The circulation
                 The "Berliner  Iliustrirte Zeitung" had a  circulation of  was about 175,000.
              1,750,000, while its effect was mainly based upon the attrac-  The Jews span  their web round the "Vorwarts", the
              tion of sensational novels. The chief editor was a Jew named  principal organ of the Social Democratic party, whose staff
              Korff. There were, and  still are, a considerable number of  included the following Jews: Stampfer (chief editor), Lepere,
              periodicals for special sets and                                        Geyer, Schiff, Bernstein, Schi-
              purposes  ("Die Dame", "Die                                             kowski, and Karstadt; while
              Hausfrau", "Die Bauwelt", "Die                                          Friedlander,  Rabold,  Kersten
                                          How many Jews were there in the Directorate of
              Verkehrstechnik"etc.).Tbe firm                                          and Hurtig were on the staff
                                          the Reichsrechtsanwaltskammer, the supreme
              of Ullstein have their own news-                                        of the "Welt am Abend", the
                                               representative body of the lawyers?
              service in the most important                                           Communist evening paper, with
              towns in all parts of the world.                                        a circulation of 180,000. In many
                                          Of fhe three members (chairman, business
              They were represented by the                                            cases there were dummy non-
                                          manager and secretary), all 3, or 100 °/  , were
              following Jews : L.Stahl inParis,                                       Jewish  editors, while, behind
              R.Lewisohn in London, E.Wal-             of Jewish origin               the  scenes,  the Jew anony-
              lenberg in New York, J. Birn-                                           mously organized his campaign
              baum in Warsaw, W. Stein in                                             of class hatred. But the true
              Moscow, K. Lahm in Vienna, and W. Neumann in Prague.  German nation was condemned to immobility and silence,
                During the last decades of the past century the Ullstein  and a Swedish paper rightly described them as a "people
              press fought hard on behalf of Marxist social democracy; in  with severed vocal chords". During the period  after the
              1929 the firm made an agreement with the Social Democratic  revolution, the Jews had even wormed their way into the
              party, under which the "Berliner Morgenpost" was staffed  official departments  of  the various  ministries.  Thus,  in
              with numerous Social Democratic sub-editors. The moral  Prussia the Press Manager of the Minister President was a
              views of the Ullstein editorial staff with regard to the obliga-  Jew named Goslar, who was a Zionist in addition, while the
              tion to  tell  the truth may be gathered from the principle  Minister of the Interior's press-secretary was also a Jew,
              proclaimed by the former chief editor of the "Vossische Zei-  named Hirschfeld.
              tung", the Jew Georg Bernhard,  in No. 244 of 1925 of his  But  all these encroachments by Jewry, however much
              paper "But who  still enquires at all whether public opinion  they tried the patience of the German nation, would not yet
              is right or wrong?  It is there,  it has its way, and the judg-  have led to counter-measures, if individual leading Jews had
              ment of  this public opinion  is influenced by a few wire-  not yielded to the inborn craving of their race for profit, even
              pullers who, at great expense, have built up an extensive  if  it meant breaking the law. The Jews have consequently
              press apparatus in various countries, by means of whose  taken the lead in Germany in fhe domain of commercial cor-
              loudspeakers they announce very andibly whatevertheylike."  ruption. In the course of the decade since the Great War, such
                 But  it was not a case of a few wire-pullers, but of a  a number of cases of corruption have accumulated, whose
              widely ramified organization. The firm of Ullstein was se-  real authors have been Jews, that, by degrees, the wrath of
              conded by the firm of Lachmann-Mosse. The eastern Jewish  the extremely patient German people at this misuse of the
              immigrant Ruben Moses, who soon assumed the name of  right of hospitality in every form has come to a head. These
              Rudolf Mosse, rose to power by means of offices where  cases of corruption are also one of the decisive motives for
              advertisements were collected for insertion. The mostwidely-  the Jewish policy which has been adopted by the German
              read paper belonging to this firm, the "international paper",  Government.
              was the "Berliner Tageblatt", founded in 1871 expressly "to
              further the interests  of- Jewry". In 1932 the editorial  staff
                                                                      The Jews as carriers of corruption
              included the following Jews: Theodore Wolff (chief editor),
              E. Feder, G. Stein,  J. Schwab, F. Pinner, Priester, Topf,  What Germany has witnessed, since the so-called revolu-
              Goldstein, E. Hamburger, A. Kerr  (alias Klempner), Alfred  tion of 1918, in the way of corruption scandals, whose prime
              Einstein,  Sinsheimer,  Jonas,  and  Mamlock. The  foreign  authors were all Jews without exception, probably exceeds
              correspondents included the following Jews: A. Singer  in  in extent and number anything that has so far occurred in
              Budapest,  J. Schmerz  in Bucharest, P. Block in Paris and  the economic history of all nations.

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