Page 23 - Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932
P. 23

The Jews as the apostles of communism

                  The first leader and founder of Marxism, Karl Marx, was a
                                                                political influence, above  all  in the sense of radical Corn-
                Jew. The racial origin of the first parent of the international
                labour movement has  left  its stamp on  this movement's  Nothing is more characteristic than the fact that, after the
                character.  The labour movement when
                                                it came into being
                                                                revolution  in 1918, nearly  all the leaders of radical, semi-
                about the middle of the nineteenth century was at first non-
                                                                Bolshevist and wholly Bolshevist Socialism were Jews. First
                political in character, and aimed at improving the living con-
                        i                                        f  all there were the people's representative Hugo Haase,
                ditions of the new class of in
                                                                                        the leader of the "indepen-
                dustrial workmen. There was
                                                                                        dent" Socialists, and, along-
                an entire absence of any de-
                                                                                        side of him, the lawyer Karl
                finite political dogma. There
                                                                                        Liebknecht and the authoress
                was,  therefore,  for  a  long
                                                                                        Rosa  Luxemburg,  the two
                time  a  possibility  of  the
                                                                                        leaders  of  the  "Spartakus
                labour movement in Germany
                associating  itself with  the
                                                                                          Both groups were more
                government.A form of govern-
                                                                                        or  less  closely  connected
                ment would then have arisen
                                                                                        with  the  Soviet  party  in
                Which  might perhaps have
                                                                                        Russia.  The  "Spartakus
                been comparable to the pres-
                                                                                        League", of which Karl Lieb-
                ent National Socialist system,
                                                                                        knecht  and  Rosa Luxem-
                so that no period of Marxism
                                                                                        burg were the leaders,  has
                and  class  struggle  would
                                                                                        made no secret  of  this.  It
                have  intervened. A Jew  is
                                                                                        has been converted into the
                therefore to blame for the fact
                                                                                        Communist labour party and,
                that out of the labour move-
                                                                                        in its appeal of the 14 th De-
                ment in the whole world an
                                                                                        cember  1918,  it  expressly
                endeavour  arose  aimed  at
                                                                                        stated  that  its  aim  was
                overturning the existing or-
                                                                                        "Communism". In this appeal
                der  in  all  countries,  and
                                                                                        the  leaders  concluded  by
                which has  thus become the
                                                                                        calling upon  the proletariat
                greatest danger that has so
                                                                                        to  rise  in arms  in  the  fol-
                far  ever  threatened world
                                                                                        lowing words:
                                                                                             "Arise,  proletarians,
                  The  further  history
                                                                                          and fight ! You have a world
               Marxism  was  also  char-
                                                                                          to conquer and  contend
               acterized by the intellectual
                                                                                          with.  In  this  last  class
               leadership  of  Jews.  Whiie
                                                                                          struggle  in  the  world's
                                       The Social Democratic Jewish member of the Reichstag Dr. Oskar
               even before the Great War
                                       Cohn, who was appointed Under Secretary of State in the German
                                                                                          history, your motto must
               it was principally Jews who
                                       Ministry of Justice in November 1918, was in the pay of the Moscow
                                                                                          be:  'Thumbs  on  their
               played the leading parts  in        Soviet Propaganda Department
                                                                                          eyes and knees on their
               the  Socialist party  among
               the writers and the politicians to a pre-eminent extent, the
                                                                  The other group of the "Independent Socialists" was also
               latest history of Marxism in the world
                                              is characterized by
                                                               closely connected with Moscow even before the revolution
               an absolutely enormous increase in the power of the Jewish
                                                               on the 9«h
                                                                       November 1918, when the German nation was still
               element. The October Revolution in Russia did not only place
                                                               engaged in the struggle for the defence of the soil of Ger-
               Jews  like Trotzky
                              (Bronstein), Sinovieff (Apfelbaum) and  many. Thus,
                                                                          Joffe,  the then representative  of the Soviet
               Radek (Sobelsohn) in the leading positions in the new Com-
                                                               Government  in Berlin, openly reminded  the then people's
                                                               representative Hugo Haase  in December 1918 that the In-
               munist state, but even the intermediate and subordinate posi-
               tions of authority, down to that of the humblest police offi-
                                                               dependent Social Democratic Party "had received financial
              cial, were very frequently occupied by Jews. In Germany the
                                                               assistance from him  for  the printing  of  their  literature".
                                                               This  connection  between  Russia  and  the German
              revolutionary events subsequent to November 1918 provided
              Jewry with the welcome opportunity                                                           "In-
                                             of strengthening  dependents" was maintained by means of another Jew
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