Page 24 - Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932
P. 24


               addition  to Haase,  for  in  the same  public statement the
               Russian Ambassador Joffe stated that he had handed over a
               fund of over 10 million roubles to Dr. Oskar Cohn, Member
               of the Reichstag, with regard to which "he had granted Herr
               Cohn the right of disposal in the interests of the German
               revolution". This Member of the Reichstag indeed admitted
               expressly in his reply that he had really received this sum
               on the night of the 5"> November 1918 and gloried in the fact
               that he had "gladly accepted" this financial assistance, while
               he only regretted that he had not been able to utilize the
               entire sum. The same German Member  of  the Reichstag
               Dr. Oskar Cohn was Under Secretary of State in the German
               Ministry of  Justice, and thus the highest German judicial
               official, after the  1  th November, and considered it absolutely
                                                                                    Rosa Luxenburg,
               compatible with his office to be at the same time the legal
                                                                              the grandmother" of Communism in
               adviser of the Russian Embassy in Berlin                                 Germany
                                                                   as early as the summer and autumn
                 When Joffe was exposed by an unwished-for accident and
                                                                   of 1918, when the fighting at the front
               had to leave Germany, his place, as emissary of the Russian
                                                                   was still at its height, he appealed to
               propaganda, was taken by the Jew Karl Radek. He took over
                                                                   the workmen in the munitions  fac-
               the management  of Communist propaganda  in Germany.
                                                                   tories  in Munich  to strike and«or-
               This Bolshevist advance reached  its height in Munich, the
                                                                   ganize the revolution. In the wave of
               capital of Bavaria. Here, again, the leader of the movement
                                                                   radical Socialism, he even became "Bavarian Minister Presi-
               was a Jew, the writer Kurt Eisner. He too was one of the
                                                                   dent" in November 1918. He was a whole-hearted advocate of
               "defeatists" who had attacked their own country in the rear
                                                                   the system of "Workmen's and Soldiers' Councils" on the
               by means of their agitation even before the armistice. Thus,
                                                                   Russian model. He was the leader of radicalism  in South
                                                                   Germany, while in Berlin and North Germany the Jewish
                                                                   half-breed Karl Liebknecht and the full-blooded Jewess Rosa
                                                                   Luxemburg preached an even more glaring form of Bolshev-
                                                                   ism with extreme fanaticism, but they failed in their attempt
                                                                               to  naturalize  Soviet Communism  in Ger-
                                                                               many, yet only owing to the incipient resis-
                                                                               tance of the troops returning to their homes.
                                                                               On the other hand, Eisner's dictatorship
                                                                               Munich finally led to the setting up of the
                                                                               really Communist  "Soviet  Republic"  in
                                                                               Munich  in  April,  1919.. At that time there
                                                                               was  a "Red Army" and  also  a "Revolu-
                                                                               tionary Tribunal". The men at the head of
                                                                               this regime were almost exclusively Jewish
                                                                               writers, namely Levien, Levini-Nissen, Kurt
                                                                               Miihsam, Ernst Toller and Custav Landauer,
                                                                               of whom the first-named had just been fresh-
                                                                               ly imported from Moscow. Under this new
                                                                               system of government serious outbursts oc-
                                                                               curred which led to a conflagration on the
                                                                               largest public square in Munich, and finally
                                                                               even to the execrable murder by the Com-
                                                                               munists in the Luitpold Gymnasium  of ten
                                                                               hostages,  all of -whom were  absolutely  in-
                                                                               nocent citizens.  It was only by employing
                                                                               armed regiments that an end was put to this
                                                                               Soviet  dictatorship  in Munich,  run by  a
                                                                               handful of Jewish writers.
                          The Jewish lawyer Karl Liebknecht
            and the Jewess Rosa Luxemburg (see above), founders of the Communist  It can be asserted with almost mathe-
            „Spartakus League'', inciting the Berlin proletariat to a violent revolution in  matical certainty that, wherever Communist
                                  November 1918                                experiments were tried  and armed  risings
                                                                               organized  at  the time  of  the Revolution,
                                                            22                 Jews took the lead  or added  fuel  to the
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