Page 5 - Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932
P. 5

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                  The Geographical Distribution of the Jews

                                               in Prussia

               I he  last census before the war took place on  the  But the most  interesting  figures are those  for  the  city
                1st December 1910, and the first post-war census of
                                                          of Berlin, for the German capital occupies by  iar the first
                equal value  on  the  16th  June  1925.  It  therefore  place, not only owing  to  its absolute numerical preponde-
                appears  suitable,  for the purpose of the following
                                                          rance of 172,672 Jews, but also as regards  its proportionate
                remarks, to begin by comparing the results of these
                                                          relationship  to the entire population.  Berlin alone  is  the
          two censuses.
                                                          honje^of more than four-tenths  of the entire Jewish popu-
            We must begin by stating that, out of the entire resident
                                                          lation' of Prussia,  while  the  entire  population  oi  Berlin
          population  of  the Prussian  state  on  the. 16th  June  1925  only amounts to one-tenth of the entire population of the
          which numbered 38,120,173,
                                                                                    state. No  clearer expres-
          403,969  described  . them-
                                                                                   sion could be found of the
          selves as Jews, which repre-                                                      Jewry
                                                                                    influx  of    into  the
          sents a proportion of  1.06                                               towns and large cities. The
                                      How manyJewishjudges were there in Prussia?
          per  cent. As  the  Jewish                                               German capital, above  all,
          population  only numbered                                                like  a  giant magnet, has
                                      Out of 5,800 official judges, 430 or 7.4 per cent
          366,876 in 1910, this means
                                                                                   attracted almost one - half
                                               were of Jewish origin.
          that  in  the whole  of  the                                             of the Jews in Prussia.
          present area of the state of                                               The same  result  is ob-
                                      Of these, prominent positions were occupied
          Prussia, during  the period                                              tained  if we arrange  the
                                      by 12 Presidents of State and Appellate Courts
          between this first post-war
                                                                                   provinces  according  to
                                     and 109 Assessors in Supreme State Courts and
          census and the last peace-
                                                                                   their share  in  the  entire
          time census on the 1st De-          Directors of State Courts
                                                                                   number of Jews in the state
          cember 1910, the Jewish po-
                                                                                   of Prussia.
          pulation increased by 37,093
          or 10.1 per cent, while the
          entire population of Prussia                     Jewish Resident Population in Prussia on thelith Junel 925
          in the same area only increased by about 3,119,000 or 8.9 per
                                                                                    in thousandths of the
          cent. And this proportion holds good in spite of an increased  Province
                                                                                  absolute  tolal Jewish
          birth-rate among  the  entire population and an increased                              population
         death-rate among the Jews.                          City of Berlin       172,672  427.4  42.9
                                                             Rhenish Province  .  58,223  144.1    8.0
            The figures for local increases are, however, even more
                                                             Hesse-Nassau. ......  52,757  130.6  22.0
         informative. Thus the provincial statistics are particularly  Lower Silesia  29,953  74.2  9.6
                                                             Westphalia           21,595   53.5    4.5
         striking in the case of Berlin, Brandenburg, Lower Silesia
                                                             Hanover              14,895   36.9    4.7
         and Schleswig-Holstein, where the general increase of 7.8 per
                                                             East Prussia         11,337   28.1    5.0
         cent, 6.7 per cent, 4.7 per cent and 4.5 per cent in the total  Upper Silesia  10,069  24.9  7.3
                                                             Brandenburg           8,442   20.9    3.3
         population is to be compared with an increase in the Jewish
                                                             Saxony                8,341   20.6    2.6
         population of 19.9 per cent, 14.9 per cent, 12.4 per cent and
                                                             Pomerania             7,761   19.2    4.1
         25.4 per cent  (principally  in  Altona). The corresponding  Schleswig-Holstein  4,152  10.3  2.7
                                                             Frontier Province
         figures are even higher in the case of the individual large
                                                             Posen-West Prussia    3,437   8.5    10.3
         cities, in some  of which, such as Magdeburg, Oberhausen
                                                             Hohenzollern           335    9.8     4.7
         and Breslau,  the number  of Jews has doubled and even
                                                             Total for Prussia   .403,969  1000.0  10.6
                                                                          .  .
         trebled as compared with the total population.
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