Page 6 - Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932
P. 6

This also demon-                                                               for these large  ci-
               strates the  attrac-                                                             ties at a total popu-
               tion  of large cities                                                            lation of 11,183,024
                                    728 oui of 1000 Jews       292 out of 1000 Germans
               for the Jews and the                                                             including  294,230
                                    live in large cities       live in large cities
               corresponding flight                                                             Jews. With this to-
               from  the country.                                                               tal  of 294,230 per-
               Rich provinces with                                                              sons  the  propor-
               many towns, such                                                                 tion of Jews in the
               as the Rhenish Pro-                                                             large cities amounts
               vince  and  Hesse-                                                               to no less than 72.8
               Nassau, are prefer-                                                             per  cent  of  their
               red by thern, while                                                             entire  numbers  in
               agrarian  country                                                                the state  of Prus-
               districts,  such  as                                                            sia, while the cor-
               East  Prussia, Po-                                                              responding propor-
               merania, Silesia or                                                              tion  to  the  entire
               Schleswig-fiolstein,                                                            population  is only
               are  persistently                                                               29.2 per cent. Thus,
               avoided. The extent                                                             out  of  ten  Jews,
               of  this  differentia-         The Jewish dislike of connexion with the soil.   seven live in large
               tion in the presence                                                             cities and three in
               of Jews in towns and country districts  is demonstrated by  small towns or in the country, while, for the rest of the
               the fact that on an average all municipalities in Prussia have  population the proportion  is exactly the reverse, in so far
               21.5 Jews per thousand of the entire population, while the  as in their case seven live in the country and only three in
               proportion  for the country  districts, where there are also  large cities.
               numerous medium-sized and small towns, drops to 3.4.  But  this  unhealthy  development  has  also  been  ex-
                 If we take from the 118 Prussian municipal areas the 29  tremely  intensified by  the flood  of immigration since the
               large cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants each, we arrive  World War.

                                              The increase in the percentage of
                                                  Jews     yiUj'ftl   other inhabitants

                                               How the Jews swarm into the great cities.
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