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PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines)
                   Protocol C4591001

                    Table 7.    Statistical Design Operating Characteristics: Probability of Success or
                                Failure for Interim Analyses

                    Vaccine     Interim Analysis 1     Interim Analysis 2     Interim Analysis 3    Interim
                    Efficacy    (Total Cases = 32)     (Total Cases = 62)     (Total Cases = 92)   Analysis 4
                      (%)                                                                         (Total Cases
                                                                                                    = 120)
                             Probability   Probability   Probability   Probability   Probability   Probability   Probability of
                             of Success   of Failure   of Success   of Failure   of Success   of Failure   Success
                              (Cases in   (Cases in   (Cases in   (Cases in   (Cases in   (Cases in   (Cases
                              Vaccine     Vaccine    Vaccine     Vaccine    Vaccine    Vaccine      Vaccine
                             Group ≤6)   Group ≥15)   Group ≤15)   Group ≥26)   Group ≤25)   Group ≥35)   Group ≤35)
                      30       0.006       0.315      0.003       0.231      0.002      0.239        0.002
                      50       0.054       0.078      0.051       0.056      0.063      0.103        0.075
                      60       0.150       0.021      0.160       0.010      0.175      0.019        0.160
                      70       0.368       0.003      0.310      <0.001      0.195      0.001        0.085
                      80       0.722      <0.001      0.238      <0.001      0.037      <0.001       0.003

                    Table 8.    Statistical Design Operating Characteristics: Probability of Success for
                                Final Analysis and Overall

                      Vaccine Efficacy (%)             Final Analysis            Overall Probability of Success
                                                     (Total Cases = 164)
                                            Probability of Success (Cases in Vaccine
                                                        Group ≤53)
                              30                           0.007                            0.021
                              50                           0.196                            0.439
                              60                           0.220                            0.866
                              70                           0.036                           >0.999
                              80                          <0.001                           >0.999

                   If neither success nor futility has been declared after all IAs, the final analysis will be
                   performed and the first primary objective will have been met if there are 53 or fewer cases
                   observed in the vaccine group out of a total of 164 first confirmed cases from 7 days after
                   receipt of the second dose of investigational product onwards.

                   Only the first primary endpoint will be analyzed at IA.  If the first primary objective is met,
                   the second primary objective will be evaluated at the final analysis.  After the primary
                   objectives are met, the first 6 secondary VE endpoints (confirmed COVID-19 occurring from
                   14 days after the second dose in participants without evidence of infection and in all
                   participants, confirmed severe COVID-19 occurring from 7 days and from 14 days after the
                   second dose in participants without evidence of infection and in all participants) will be
                   evaluated sequentially in the stated order, by the same method used for the evaluation of
                   primary VE endpoints.  Success thresholds for secondary VE endpoints will be appropriately
                   chosen to control overall Type I error at 2.5%.  Further details will be provided in the SAP.
                   The remaining secondary VE endpoints will be evaluated descriptively to calculate the
                   observed VE with 95% CIs.

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