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PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines)
                   Protocol C4591001

                   Table 6 illustrates the boundary for efficacy and futility if, for example, IAs are performed
                   after accrual of 32, 62, 92, and 120 cases in participants without evidence of infection before
                   vaccination.  Note that although the first IA was not performed, the statistical criterion for
                   demonstrating success (posterior probability threshold) at the interim (>0.995) and final
                   (>0.986) analyses remains unchanged. Similarly, the futility boundaries are not changed.

                    Table 6.    Interim Analysis Plan and Boundaries for Efficacy and Futility

                      Analysis    Number of          Success Criteria                Futility Boundary
                                    Cases            VE Point Estimate               VE Point Estimate
                                                        (Case Split)                    (Case Split)
                        IA1           32               76.9% (6:26)                    11.8% (15:17)
                        IA2           62               68.1% (15:47)                   27.8% (26:36)
                        IA3           92               62.7% (25:67)                   38.6% (35:57)
                        IA4          120               58.8% (35:85)                        N/A
                        Final        164              52.3% (53:111)
                    Abbreviations: IA = interim analysis; N/A = not applicable; VE = vaccine efficacy.
                    Note: Case split = vaccine : placebo.
                    a.  Interim efficacy claim: P(VE >30%|data) > 0.995; success at the final analysis: P(VE >30%|data)
                        > 0.986.

                   Additional design operating characteristics (the boundary based on the number of cases
                   observed in the vaccine group; the probabilities for efficacy and futility given assumed
                   various VEs with a 1:1 randomization ratio) are listed in Table 7 and Table 8, for IAs
                   conducted at 32, 62, 92, and 120 cases and the final analysis at 164 cases.  Although the IA at
                   32 cases was not performed, the overall Type I error (overall probability of success when true
                   VE=30%) will still be strictly controlled at 0.025 with the originally proposed success/futility

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