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PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines)
                                        Protocol C4591001

                                                          Visit Number                          1              2             3              4              5              6         Unplanned     Unplanned
                                                        Visit Description                 Vaccination 1  Vaccination 2    1-Month       6-Month        12-Month      24-Month        Potential     Potential
                                                                                                                         Follow-up      Follow-up      Follow-up     Follow-up      COVID-19      COVID-19
                                                                                                                            Visit         Visit          Visit          Visit      Illness Visit   Convalescent
                                                      Visit Window (Days)                    Day 1       19 to 23 Days  28 to 35 Days   175 to 189     350 to 378    714 to 742     Optimally    28 to 35 Days
                                                                                                         After Visit 1  After Visit 2   Days After    Days After     Days After      Within 3        After
                                                                                                                                          Visit 2       Visit 2        Visit 2      Days After     Potential
                                                                                                                                                                                     Potential    COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                                    COVID-19      Illness Visit
                                                                                                                                                                                   Illness Onset
                                        Obtain randomization number and study                   X
                                        intervention allocation
                                        Administer study intervention                           X             X
                                        Assess acute reactions for at least 30 minutes after    X             X
                                        study intervention administration
                                        Explain participant communication methods               X
                                        (including for e-diary completion), assist the
                                        participant with downloading the app, or issue
                                        provisioned device, if required
                                        Provide/ensure the participant has a thermometer        X             X
                                        (all participants) and measuring device
                                        (reactogenicity subset participants only)
                                        Review reactogenicity e-diary data (daily review is
                                        optimal during the active diary period) e
                                        Review ongoing reactogenicity e-diary symptoms                        X              X
                                        and obtain stop dates e
                                        Collect AEs and SAEs as appropriate                     X             X              X              X             X              X              X              X
                                        Collect e-diary or assist the participant to delete                                                                               X

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