Page 229 - Gobierno ivisible
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Date: 4/5/2011                                                                                Page: 229 of 237

                                         THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT -- INDEX

            American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 243, 272, 366    Barkley, Alben W., 283
            "Abel, Mrs. Hellen," 308                              Barnes, Tracy, 15, 44, 247
            Abel, Rudolph I., 154, 211n., 257, 271, 271n., 272, 298, 308   Batista, Fulgencio, 25, 26, 32, 40, 46, 266
            Abril, Mario, 8, 37, 51, 55, 56, 63, 64, 67, 68, 75, 76   Bay of Pigs, 7, 20, 41, 48, 52, 55n., 56, 59, 60, 67, 71-75, 78,
            Acheson, Dean, 110, 314                               177, 197, 276, 297 ff., 351, 356, 372-375; Eisenhower approves
            Adenauer, Konrad, 136, 346, 347                       training, 24, 24n., 79, 198, 363; Guatemala training camps, 22-
            Adzhubei, Alexei, 333                                 28, 31-35, 38-41, 80, 267; frente formed, 25, 26, 374; Trinidad
            Afont, Tomas, 66                                      site chosen, 36, 37; landing site chosen, 41,48; secret navy, 8, 9,
            African Pilot, 303, 304                               45, 46; April 15 air strike, 7, 8, 10 ff., 13-16, 50, 51, 81, 82;
            Agency for International Development, 172, 209, 210, 251, 259,   April 17 air strike canceled, 19-21, 54-56, 201-205; air drops,
            294, 307                                              30-32, 57, 82; invasion, 5, 6-21, 32, 33, 53-77, 356; air cover 18,
            Agony of Modern Music, 134                            19, 39, 40, 201; pilots killed, 10, 11, 17, 18, 60-63, 66, 74, 75,
            Agriculture Department, 251, 305, 306                 78;
            Ahrens, Edward, 11, 17                                American pilots, 31, 33, 40, 69, 72-75, 78-95, 379, 380; and
            Air Force Intelligence (A-2), 1, 209, 213, 214        1960 campaign, 30, 361-370; white paper, 202n.; postmortem,
            Aldrich, Stephen, 302                                 197 ff.
            Alejos, Carlos, 22, 70                                Beam, Jacob D., 344
            Alejos, Roberto, 22-24, 26, 27, 41, 70                Beaulac, Willard L., 108
            Alfhem, M/S, 187                                      Beirut, 338
            Allen, George V., 121-125                             Belair, Felix, 175
            Ambon Island, 152                                     Belgian Congo, 337
            American Committee for Liberation, 340                Belgrade, 129
            American Red Cross, 301, 302, 305-308                 Bell, Leo Francis, see Baker, Leo Francis
            "American Sales Company" of San Francisco, 151        Bender, Frank, 25, 26, 64
            "Amory, John Forth," 245                              "Belt, Billy," 40
            Amory, Robert, 20, 107, 140, 199, 254                 Bennett, Harvey C., 256
            Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 117, 119, 120              Berle, Adolf A., 44, 76, 342
            Annikeef, N. M., 247                                  "Berlin tunnel," 273, 274
            Antonio Maceo Airport, 10                             Berliss, Leo Francis, see Baker, Leo Francis
            Aragon, Ernesto, 54                                   Biblis, West Germany, 342
            Aral Sea, 331                                         Bigart, Homer, 191, 192
            Arbenz Guzman, Jacobo, 23, 177, 179, 181-187, 189-196, 339   Binh Xuyen, 168, 169
            Arevalo, Juan Jose, 181                               Biographic Register, 267
            Army Intelligence (G-2), 1, 212                       Birmingham, 40, 78
            Around the Edge of War, 245n.                         Bissell, Richard Mervin, Jr., 9, 18-21, 24, 25, 30-33, 37, 49, 55,
            Artime Buesa, Manuel, 25, 26, 26n., 42                71-74, 84, 107, 130, 184, 199, 248, 255
            Ashraf, Princess, 119, 120                            Black, Cyril, 261
            Asociacion Montecristi, 26n.                          "black," defined, 9, 334, 334n., 335
            Associated Press, 16, 64                              "black chamber," 225
            Atlantico, 46                                         Blagar, 46
            Atlas-Agena rocket, 324, 328                          BMEWS (Ballistic Missile Early Warning System), 326, 332
            Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 1, 212, 214, 218      Board of National Estimates (BNE), 252, 311, 312n.
            Attwood, William, 364, 365                            Bobby Cay, 351
            Aviation Week, 331                                    Boca Chica Naval Air Station, 11, 13
                                                                  Bogota, 107, 108, 108n., 109, 110, 112, 137
            Baghdad, 119, 338                                     Bohlen, Charles E. (Chip), 311
            Bahia de Cochinos, see Bay of Pigs                    Boland, Frederick H., 14
            Baker, Mrs. Catherine Walker, 82, 83, 88              Bombing Encyclopedia, 214
            Baker, Leo Francis, 72-74, 78-86, 94                  Bonsal, Philip W., 275
            Baker, Dr. William O., 200n.                          Boun Oum, Prince, 161
            Baldwin, Hanson, 330                                  Bovo Caras, Esteban, 66
            Ball, George, 313                                     Bowles, Chester A., 44, 45, 140, 288
            Bangkok, 116, 140                                     Bridge at Andau, The, 348
            Bank of America, 302                                  Brinkley, David, 272
            Bankers Trust Company of New York, 88, 95             Britain, 125,126, 265
            Bao Dai, Emperor, 166, 169                            Brooke, James, 362
            Barbara J., 46                                        Brown, Winthrop G., 157-160, 159n., 163
            Barea Guinea, Eduardo, 66                             Bukittingi, 149-151
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