Page 233 - Gobierno ivisible
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Date: 4/5/2011                                                                                Page: 233 of 237

            Javits, Senator Jacob K., 299, 300                    Lahey, Edwin A., 346n.
            Jefferson, Thomas, quoted, 4, 5, 380                  La Hora, 33
            Jepeway, Louis M., 155                                Lake Charles, 46
            John, Dr. Otto, 135, 136, 136n.                       Lampertheim, West Germany, 340
            Johnson, U. Alexis, 278,313                           Land, Dr. Edwin H., 200n.
            Johnson, Clarence L. (Kelly), 130                     Langer, Dr. William L., 200n.
            Johnson, Lyndon B., 3, 5, 70, 170, 219, 230, 278, 280, 291, 313,   Langley, Virginia, see Central Intelligence Agency
            361, 362                                              Lansdale, Edward, 167-169
            Johnston, Eric H., 123                                Laos, 116, 157-165, 171n., 372
            Joint Chiefs of Staff, 7, 21, 36, 37, 41, 48, 49,71, 72, 92, 98,   Lattimore, Owen, 263, 264
            162, 184, 197, 199, 230                               Leahy, Admiral William D., 98
            Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 214, 378            Lebanon, 335, 337, 338
            Joint Congressional Committee on Foreign Intelligence,   Leipzig, 308
            proposed, 280                                         Leiter, Joseph, 238
            Joint Study Group, 227                                Lemmon, Walter S., 355
            Jones, Howard P., 145, 155                            Lemnitzer, General Lyman L., 21, 37, 37n:, 71
            Jones, Lem, 29, 30, 42, 53, 54, 58, 58n., 65,69, 76   Lennox, Mrs. Marjorie, 274, 275
            Jones, William C., III, 268                           Li Mi, General, 138, 141, 142
            Jordan, 337                                           Libert, Orion J., 108, 109
            Jorgensen, Gordon L., 160                             Life, 364, 367
            J-2, 230                                              Lindberg, Judge William J., 264
            Jupiter IRBM, 314-316                                 Literary Gazette, 273
            Justice, Department of, 215, 223, 305                 Little Swan Island, 351, 353
                                                                  Lloyd, Gates, 362
            KGB (Soviet Committee for State Security), 13, 133, 215, 234,   Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, 130, 240n., 324, 326
            235, 265, 270, 271, 341, 376                          Lodge, Henry Cabot, 174-176, 190, 348
            Kalman, Captain Stephan, 244, 245                     Lohr, Walter G., 352
            Kaminsky, Mark I., 256, 257                           London Evening Standard, 192
            Karas, Leonid, 341                                    Lopez, Angel, 66
            Karim el-Kassim, Brigadier General Abdul, 337         Losher, Paul, 247
            Karo, H. Arnold, Rear Admiral, 353                    Lott, Fred, 246
            Kartawidjaja, Djuanda, 150                            "Lou," 40
            Katz, Amrom H., 325                                   Lovett, Robert, 314
            Katzenbach, Nicholas, 300-303                         Lowenfeld, Andreas F., 260, 261
            Keating, Senator Kenneth B., 312, 313, 319
            Keeler, Christine, 272                                MacArthur, General Douglas, 109-112
            Kennedy, Jacqueline, 70                               McCarthy, Senator Joseph R., 263
            Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 3-5, 9, 10, 14-17, 20, 30, 33, 35, 36,   McCone, John Alex, 4, 90, 163, 199, 206-212, 229, 232, 249,
            41-50, 55, 154, 161-163, 170, 174, 197-205, 206, 209-211, 214,   252-254, 258, 259, 278, 291, 293, 310-312, 312n., 313, 319-321
            219, 230, 248, 254, 278, 279n., 280, 287, 288, 291, 299, 308,   McCone, Mrs. Theiline McGee Pigott, 311
            310-321, 323, 328, 361, 365-370, 374, 377, 378        McDowell, Thomas F., 86, 89
            Kennedy, Joseph P., 200                               McElroy, Rear Admiral Rhodam Y.,13
            Kennedy, Paul P., 34                                  McHugh, Brigadier General Godfrey T., 91,92
            Kennedy, Robert F., 47, 47n., 91-94, 154, 199-202, 202n., 204,   Macmillan, Harold, 130
            209, 234, 271, 271n., 276, 298, 300, 300n., 301, 394, 305, 314,   McNamara, Robert, 171, 220, 227-229, 278, 312, 313, 319-321,
            365                                                   330
            Kent, Sherman, 252, 312n.                             Magsaysay, Ramon, 167
            Kenya, 338                                            Mahon, Representative George, 285n.
            Kethly, Anna, 346                                     Maki, Eugene, see Hayhanen Reino
            Key West, 11, 13, 18, 60                              Makinen, Marvin William, 256, 257, 257n.
            Khrushchev, Nikita S., 69, 70, 128-131, 130n., 162, 164, 223,   Managua, 55, 185, 189
            314-317, 320, 323, 328, 333, 338, 348                 Mandate for Change, 167n.
            Khrushchev speech, 65, 128-130                        Mann, Thomas C., 44
            Killian, James R., Jr., 200, 200n.                    Mansfield, Senator Mike, 92, 93, 125-127, 173, 264, 281, 282,
            Kirkpatrick, Lyman, 227, 252, 254                     284
            Klein, Herbert G., 363, 364                           Marroquin Rojas, Clemente, 33
            Knight, John S., 34                                   Marshall, Secretary of State George C., 107-109
            Komitat Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti, see KGB         Martin, Edwin M., 313
            Kong Le, 157-159, 161                                 Martin, William H., 221, 222, 224
            Korea, 109-112, 114, 115, 137, 153                    Masferrer, Rolando, 46-48
            Kraslow, David, 91                                    Maury, John M., Jr., 247
            Kudryavtsev, Sergei M., 13                            Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 260
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