Page 236 - Gobierno ivisible
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            Satellite and Missile Observation System (SAMOS), 323, 324,   316-319, 325, 338
            324n.ff.                                              Spaak, Paul-Henri, quoted, 323
            Satellite Situation Reports, 332, 333                 SPADATS (Space Detection and Tracking System), 331
            Savannakhet, 159                                      Special Group, 3, 4, 278-280, 313, 374
            Sayaxche, 42                                          Special Operations, history of, 100, 101
            Scheele, Dr. Leonard, 303                             Stahr, Elvis J., 294
            Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 76, 255                  Stalin, 128, 129
            Schupp, Ferdinand F., 188                             Stanfield, Denman F., 89
            Schuyler, General Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, 254       State Department, 10, 89, 114, 305, 318, 355, 374
            Schwarzkopf, Brigadier General H. Norman, 118, 119    State Department Office of International Security Affairs, 352
            Scituate, Massachusetts, 355                          State Institute for the Mentally Disturbed, 341
            Scoville, Herbert ("Pete"), 250                       Stephenson, Sir, William, 339
            Scripps-Howard newspapers, 362                        Sterrett, Dr. H. Hatch, 235, 236
            Sea Supply, 140                                       "Stevens," 40
            Seaton, Fred, 365, 366, 368                           Stevenson, Adlai, 14, 15, 51, 64, 70, 126, 313, 314, 361, 367
            Seattle, 263, 264                                     Stewart, Howard S., 325
            Sebald, William J., 138-142, 377                      Stimson, Henry L., 225
            Senate Appropriations Committee, 110; subcommittee on CIA,   Strategic Air Command, 312, 313, 316
            283n., 284, 284n., 377                                Struder, Colonel Carl T., 185
            Senate Armed Services Committee, 126, 132, 207, 220, 256-  Suez, 124-127
            258, 282; subcommittee on CIA, 283, 283n., 284, 284n., 377   Suez Canal, 122, 125
            Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 126               Sukarno, 145-154, 376
            Senate Government Operations Committee, Subcommittee on   Sulfatos, 190
            National Security Staffing and                        Sullivan, William C., 215
            Operations, 288                                       Sumatra, 148, 149
            Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, 260, 265, 266   Summit Meeting, 131
            Senate Preparedness Subcommittee, 311                 Swan Islands, 15, 56, 350, 353, 353n., 354
            Sevastyanov, Gennadiy, 216                            Sylvester, Arthur, 318, 330
            Sevilla-Sacasa, Guillermo, 191                        Symington, Senator Stuart, 207n., 209
            Sevin, 306                                            Syria, 337, 338
            Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, 116-119                   Szulc, Tad, 16
            Shamburger, Mrs. Graves, 83-87
            Shamburger, Mrs. Riley, Sr., 89-92, 94                Taipeh, 139, 140, 156, 340
            Shamburger, Riley W., Jr., 72-74, 78, 83-85, 85n., 90, 92, 94   Taiwan, see Nationalist China
            Shelepin, Alexander N., 133, 278n.                    Tampa, 351
            Shoup, General David M., 37n.                         Tapachula, Mexico, 190, 190n.
            Shriver, Sargent, Jr., 290-296                        Taransky, Edmund K., 275, 276
            Sierra, Jose, 108                                     Tass, 273, 274, 291, 295
            Sierra Maestra, 8, 30, 32                             Taylor, General Maxwell D., 63n., 170, 199, 200, 202, 203, 313
            Silio, Antonio, 54, 58, 65                            Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 184, 353-355
            Sinop, 331                                            Teheran, 116-119
            "Simpson, Seig," 40, 69, 73                           Thailand, 138-142, 163, 164
            Singer, Dr. S. Fred, 327n.                            Thi, Colonel Nguyen Chanh, 170n.
            Six Crises, 365                                       Thompson, Llewellyn E. (Tommy), 311, 312
            Skachkov, Anato1i, 341                                Thompson-Cornwall, Inc., 27
            Smith, Earl E. T., 266                                Thor-Agena rocket, 324
            Smith, Senator Margaret Chase, 258                    Thurmond, Senator Strom, 207, 220
            Smith, Commander Raymond D., 268n., 269n.             Tiao Somsanith, 159
            Smith, Sumner, 352 ff.                                Tiebel Erwin, 133-136
            Smith, General Walter Bedell ("Beedle"), 103, 111, 171n., 236   "Tigers," 46
            Snow, C.P., 280                                       TIROS, 327
            Somoza, Anastasio ("Tacho"), 185-187, 189, 190        Tito, 129
            Soraya, 119                                           Toriello, Guillermo, 187, 192
            Sorensen, Theodore C., 313                            Toron, Jose, 339
            Soto, Antonio, 60, 61, 69                             Torpats, John, 246-248, 248n.
            Souers, Rear Admiral Sidney W., 98                    Tractors for Freedom Committee, 298
            Sourwine, J.G., 260, 265, 266                         Trax Base, 24, 27, 38
            Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 149, 162   Treasury Department, 251, 305
            Southern Air Transport, 156                           Trinidad (Cuba), 36, 37, 41, 48
            Souvanna Phouma, Prince, 158, 162-164                 Triple A, 26n.
            Soviet State Committee for Foreign Cultural Relations, 339   Trujillo General Rafael L., 185
            Soviet Union, 2, 111, 118, 124, 125, 130-137, 265, 278, 295,   Truman, Harry S., 2, 5, 97-101, 103, 109-112, 212, 264, 281,
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