Page 2 - CHUFC vs SandhurstTown
P. 2

chESSinGton & hooK                   AccountAnt
        unitEd footbAll club                  Martin Ellis
                                              chAirMAn of Youth footbAll
               founded 1921                   trevor ford

        Ground AddrESS                                                      dirEctor of Youth footbAll
        chalky lane, chessington, Kt9 2nf     Glen nichols

        MEMbErS of                            GEnErAl SEcrEtArY
        the football Association              lauren Preston
        cherry red records football league
        Surrey county f.A.                    1st tEAM MAnAGEMEnt
                                              Manager: Glen nichols
        officErS of thE club                  head coach: James deacons
        President: ray hall                   coach: Gary taylor
        Patron: John cole                     Goalkeeping coach: Mark daniels
        chairman: Graham Ellis                Physio: darren russell
        Vice chairman: laurence head
        chief Executive: Andrew Ellis         u23s tEAM MAnAGEMEnt
                                              Manager: Andrew Ellis
        lifE PrESidEntS                       Manager: Glen nichols
        Alan lowe                             Physio: darren russell
        roger foster                          u18s tEAM MAnAGEMEnt
        lifE VicE PrESidEntS                  Manager: Andrew Ellis
        John cole                  Sheila Ellis  Asst Manager: ben Ewing
        Mark donovan            ray hall      Physio: Morgan Ellis
        tracy donovan                         rEGiStrAtion SEcrEtArY
                         Colin Goff
                         carole lowe
        barry Woodley                         rebecca Woodward
        Steve Kent                  darren Ellis
        brian Ellis                           club WElfArE officErS
                         david hartigan
        Paul Ellis                            Sarah rising-Ellis
        ExEcutiVE coMMittEE                   MAtch dAY SEcrEtAriES
        Graham Ellis                          Senior: lauren Preston
                          debbie Waterfall
        Martin Ellis                          Youth - SPl: Andrew Ellis
                          ray hall
                          lauren Preston
        Andrew Ellis                          Youth - E&EYl: Andrew Ellis
        Sarah rising-Ellis                    Youth - SSYfl: Andrew Ellis
        rebecca Woodward
        deborah herbert                       PrESS & ProGrAMME: Karl lang
        club MAnAGEr                          PrESEntAtion MAnAGEr
        Martin Ellis                          debbie Waterfall

        dirEctor of GroundS                   Kit MAnAGEr
        brian Ellis & bailey Ellis            Martin Ellis
        trEASurEr                             coMMErciAl MAnAGEr:
         rebecca Wooward                        Mark cheriton
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