Page 21 - Chessington & Hook Utd v. Croydon
P. 21


 We are pleased to announce that our annual health check has been fully com-
 pleted and we have once again been awarded Charter Standard status for both
 youth and
 senior set   Firstly I’d like to welcome you
 ups. Thank   all to Chalky Lane for today’s
 you to all of   game and wish you all a safe      We Are Raring To  Go
 our commit-  journey home.                 It has been a tough but exciting
 tee, managers,                             pre-season under the new man-
 volunteers     Celebrating 100             agement  team.  You  will  recognise  a
 and support-  At the weekend we celebrated 100  number of old faces returning this
 ers that help   years that this amazing club has  year, with a lot of fresh faces also be-
 make this   been running. I would like to make  ing  added, but  most  (excitingly  or
 CHARTER  STANDARD  CLUBS  a special mention to the Chairman  importantly) joining the squad this
       Graham Ellis, Martin Ellis, Rebecca  year are a number of boys from our
       Woodward, Steve Kent, Sarah Ris-     successful u18 and u23 teams, hav-
       ing-Ellis and everyone else who vol-  ing earned the chance to join in with
       unteers at the club.  On behalf of all  the 1st team pre-season training this
       the players from our youth teams to  year, and a few of the boys have gone
       the first team. Thank you.           on rightfully to earn their place in the
                Exciting Times              squad this season.
       After finding out our participation            What To Expect
       in the Combined Counties League is  Within the squad this year we have
       over after 24 years we now find our-  some of the most talented players the
       selves with a new challenge ahead. Af-  club has seen to date. Not only do we

 The Sound Of SW London  ter getting confirmation from the FA  have some of the most technically
       that our move across to the Southern  gifted players with us, this group of
       Counties East Football League was  players are hungry and determined
 Music, news and local information 24 hours a day from studios   successful, the club, management  to do something special. I can assure
 at 110 Tolworth Broadway, Surbiton, Surrey.
       and players are excited with the chal-  you there is going to be a lot of beau-
 For sales enquiries call 020 8288 1300 or email  lenges ahead. The club and players  tiful flowing football being played on
 For dedications call the studio on 020 8288 1078 or e-mail  feel that the management team have  what is best described as a carpet here  done a great job assembling a squad  at Chalky Lane.
       ready to compete and challenge for
 To publicise charity fund raising events free of charge e-mail  promotion this year,  Enjoy the game.                                                      Jake Baynton
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