Page 24 - Chessington & Hook Utd v. Croydon
P. 24

Parent/Guardian Guidance Rules
                                                                                          • Loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell.
      Please brief your child about the importance of social distanc-                     • Is feeling unwell.
      es and to follow guidance from the manager otherwise training                       Please makes sure you have read and understood the following
      could be cancelled.                                                                 Guidance documents.
      Confirm you have not had any symptoms in your household of                          fa-football-activity-guidance---for-adult-players
      COVID-19 in the last 21 days.                                                       fa-football-activity-guidance---for-coaches
      Children must be guided not to touch equipment e.g. cones and                       fa-football-activity-guidance---for-parents-and-carers
      footballs.                                                                          Drills should be planned before arrival, below are things you can’t
      If your child needs to sneeze or cough, encourage them to do so                     do:
      into a tissue or upper sleeve and advise them to avoid touching                     • Take anybody training that is not from your household.
      their face.                                                                         • No drills involving using your hands.
      If your child gets injured, a member of their household can aid                     • No heading drills.
      them but others will still need to socially distance unless a life or               • No tackling.
      limb-threatening injury necessitates breaking guidelines to                         • No small or large sided games involving breaking the 2m dis-
      provide emergency care. If a member of the household is not                         tancing.
      available are you happy with the Manager/Coach to minister first                    • No bibs to be used unless the individual brings and takes home
      aid.                                                                                with them for cleaning.
      Your child should refrain from spitting.                                            The following is guidance for after your session:
      When the session is finished, children should be encouraged to                      • Clean all equipment after every session.
      leave the venue rather than congregate, avoiding congestion at                      • Use gloves when treating players if required.
      gates or doors.                                                                     • You will get surface sanitiser, gloves and masks.
      All participants should wash hands at the earliest opportunity and
      personal equipment should be wiped down with a disinfectant.                        Training Rules
      Please make sure as parents you are also social distancing while
      watching                                                                            • Clean equipment between uses:
                                                                                          • Thoroughly clean the equipment e.g. balls, cones, goalposts,
      Coaches Guidance Rules                                                              etc.
                                                                                          • Bibs should not be used unless they can be washed between
      Coaches should ensure that all football activity follows the latest                 sessions.
      Government guidance.                                                                • Limit sharing of equipment where possible
      Physical contact with anyone outside your household is not per-                     • Ensure equipment is handled as little as possible by as few peo-
      mitted.                                                                             ple as possible
      If you have had any of the following you should not be conducting                   • Each participant should bring to training their own water bot-
      the session and inform Andrew Ellis ASAP:                                           tles, sun cream and medication each of which should be clearly
      • Have had a high temperature (above 37.8°C) in the last few                        labelled with their name.
      days.                                                                               • Have strict hand hygiene.
      • Has developed a new continuous cough.                                             • If individuals are going to share equipment, including balls, al-
      • Has shortness of breath or a sore throat.                                         ways ensure the individuals’ hands are thoroughly cleansed ...
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