Page 27 - RPVFC v Kingstonian
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trophies were won. After winning   Peterborough United in 1992, the   Conference.  December 2002 saw the sudden
 the Surrey Senior cup for the 9th   club recorded a fine FA Cup win at   However, season 2000/2001   resignation of the highly promis-
 time (as Kingstonian) in 1967 ...   Kingsmeadow by beating Brighton   proved to be extremely mixed. The   ing Sedgley as manager. The club
 the club's successes dried up and   in 1994; they also competed well   K's made the headlines again with   immediately promoted Harris, a
 despite the endeavours of many   the following year against Plym-  a tremendous run in the FA Cup.   former K’s striker, to manager and
 managers and countless players,   outh. In front of 3,495 supporters   A home win against Devizes Town   appointed former Woking man
 the team went into decline. In   the K's held Leyton Orient to a 0-0   was the start of an incredible run   Scott Steele as player/coach. The
 1979 relegation to Division One   draw only to lose 2-1 in the FA Cup   that saw the K's defeat Brentford,   club had ups and downs over this
 was suffered, but in 1985 the club   2nd Round Replay in 1998. Drawn   Southport and Southend United   period but only failed to make the
 bounced back as runners up to   away to Luton Town in the First   all away from home. In the Fourth   new Conference South following
 Farnborough Town. K's were a   Round of the FA Cup in October   Round, K's were thwarted in the   a single goal defeat to Lewes in a
 mite fortunate as Leatherhead,   1999 saw the K's come in at half   last kick of the game at Ashton   Ryman League playoff.
 who finished above them on goal   time 1-1 only to go down 4-2 at the   Gate as Bristol City scored a very   Relegation to Division One
 difference, had three points de-  end.  last gasp equaliser before winning   Following a poor start to season
 ducted for fielding an ineligible   Victory over Forest Green Rovers  the replay at Kingsmeadow in a   2004/05 Harris decided to call it
 player. Kingstonian remained as   At the beginning of the 1997-98   live televised match. Unfortunate-  a day after just four games. Scott
 members of the Premier Division   season, the club appointed Geoff   ly, the club's league form proved to   Steele was promoted to manag-
 until the end of the 1997/98 season  Chapple as manager. He brought   be exactly the opposite, as the K's   er but, despite encouraging good
 when promoted to the Nationwide   about an exciting change of fortune   finished next to bottom and were   football from his side, was un-
 Conference.  for the club. In his first season,   relegated back to the Ryman Foot-  able to prevent what became an
 Subject to vandalism  he took the club to the Isthmian   ball League.  inevitable relegation to Division
 The famous Richmond Road   League Premier Division Champi-  Parted by mutual consent  One. However, good news arrived
 ground, which was loved by so   onship. In the following season,   Season 2001/2002 and it was time   off the field when local business-
 many, became increasingly dilap-  their first in the Football Confer-  again for a change, as the club and   man Jimmy Cochrane bought the
 idated and subject to vandalism,   ence, the club finished a creditable   Geoff Chapple parted by mutual   football club, giving the club a
 so a decision was made to relocate   8th, but they capped it all off by   consent. Kingstonian quickly ap-  positive outlook for the first time
 and develop the site for housing - a   winning the FA Trophy at Wembley   pointed former Dover Athletic man   in several years. Steele's resigna-
 move that also assisted the club's   in May 1999 with a 1-0 victory over   Bill Williams as their new manag-  tion followed towards the end of
 finances. The last game played   Forest Green Rovers. The following   er, who had working alongside him   the season when former assistant
 there was in January 1988 against   season 1999/2000, in the last FA   former Tottenham Hotspur player   manger Ian McDonald was brought
 Bromley. After one and a half sea-  Trophy Final between the famous   Steve Sedgley as his assistant. In   in along with Stuart McIntyre as
 son's ground sharing at Hampton's   Twin Towers, the K's retained their   late 2001 Williams departed the   his coach with a view to resurrect-
 Beveree ground. K's opened their   title with an exciting 3-2 win over   club and Sedgley moved up to the   ing the club's fortunes.
 brand new Kingsmeadow Stadium   Kettering Town, giving Chapple his   position of manager and his as-  Silverware was achieved
 (on the site of the old Norbiton   5th FA Trophy Final win in sev-  sistant was Kim Harris who was   The 2005/06 season saw K's move
 Sports Ground) in August 1989,   en seasons (the other three with   promoted up from the position of   up the table only to miss out on
 when Slough Town were the visi-  Woking). The club also reached   reserve team manager.  playoffs on the final day of the
 tors. After achieving a draw with   their highest position of 5th in the   season, though silverware was

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