Page 28 - RPVFC v Kingstonian
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achieved following a 1-0 win over     player winning the Performance                to a last minute goal against East-   as Leigh Dynan was replaced by
      AFC Wimbledon in the Surrey           of the Round award from the FA.               bourne Borough. The league cam-       Dean Brennan and then very quick-
      Senior Cup Final. McDonald was        But it was in the Ryman League                paign was a roller-coaster, a late    ly by stand-in manager Kim Harris
      almost immediately succeeded by       Division One South that the big-              challenge for the play-offs falling   - K's moved from second place in
      McIntyre as manager, whilst the       gest success came, as a very strong           short in the last couple of weeks     the table on New Year's Day to es-
      club was jointly bought by Mark       start and a storming finish led to            of the season. In his second sea-     caping relegation by a single place
      Anderson and Malcolm Winwright        Kingstonian winning the division              son, the 2015-16 campaign saw the     after a horror run of results.
      – the board would be completed by     by seven points ahead of Cray Wan-            K’s lift their first cup in ten years,      An enormous boost
      the presence of John Fenwick as       derers.                                       winning the Isthmian League Cup       The 2019-20 season may have been
      chairman from May 2011 to June         The controversial final match                with a 5-0 victory over Faversham     curtailed by the COVID-19 pan-
      2014 and then co-chairman with        After an absence of four years,               Town.                                 demic, but new manager Hayden
      Anderson and Winwright until          the club almost passed straight                  Turned the club around             Bird's arrival gave the club an
      January 2018, when he became          up through the Ryman Premier                  The 2016-17 season proved to be       enormous boost, and the K's sup-
      sole chairman again.                  Division, recovering from a diffi-            a difficult campaign, as the club     porters were rewarded amply with
           Plenty of expectation            cult start to reach the end of the            flirted dangerously with relegation   fine runs in both the FA Cup and
      Stuart McIntyre’s time as manag-      season playoffs. It was Boreham               thanks to a dreadful run follow-      the FA Trophy - the club reached
      er was unfortunately short-lived      Wood, however, who won the con-               ing Christmas; with six games left    the First Round of the FA Cup for
      and unsuccessful, and midway          troversial final match. Heartache             and hopes almost lost, Tommy          the first time since 2000-01, and
      through the 2006/07 season he         followed in the following 2010/11             Williams was replaced as manag-       defeated Macclesfield Town 4-0
      was replaced as manager by for-       season when a final day collapse              er by former Billericay Town man      at Moss Rose in Round One be-
      mer Walton and Hersham manag-         at Margate cost another attempt               Craig Edwards. He turned the club     fore bowing out in Round Two at
      er Alan Dowson. Dowson and his        at the playoffs. The following two            around immediately and K’s moved      home to AFC Fylde on a day that
      team immediately transformed the      seasons saw mid-table finishes in             up to 16th after a five match un-     saw the club host that afternoon's
      club, and achieved a semblance of     the league accompanied by suc-                beaten run to end the season. K’s     edition of BBC Football Focus.
      stability. There was plenty of ex-    cessive London Senior Cup final               left the Kingsmeadow Stadium at       Their FA Trophy run also ended
      pectation for the 2007/08 season,     appearances, before a return to               the end of the season and moved to    in Round Two but was most nota-
      though inconsistency led to the K’s   the playoffs in the 2013/14 season,           Fetcham Grove with Leatherhead        ble for a fine 3-1 victory over Alan
      missing the play-offs once again on   after the club finished runners-up            FC; Edwards resigned in October       Dowson's Woking team at King
      the final day of the season.          in the league. A semi final defeat            2017 and was replaced by former       George's Field.
              Storming finish               against AFC Hornchurch however                Whyteleafe manager Leigh Dynan.
      The 2008/09 season was successful     denied the chance of promotion, in                 Horror run of results
      from start to finish. A run to the    what turned out to be Alan Dow-               At the beginning of the 2018-19
      Third Qualifying Round of the FA      son’s last game in charge.                    season, Kingstonian moved back to
      Cup was highlighted by a 4-0 home          Isthmian League Cup                      the Royal Borough of Kingston-up-
      win over Conference South team        With former K’s midfielder Tom-               on-Thames and started a ground
      Braintree Town, all four goals        my Williams installed as manager,             share with Corinthian-Casuals at
      scored by midfielder Dean Lodge.      the club again reached the FA Cup             King George's Field. A difficult sea-
      This performance led to the K’s       Third Qualifying Round, losing 3-2            son saw K's have three managers,

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