Page 2 - Raynes Park Vale vs Fleet Town
P. 2

      Raynes Park Vale FC was formed in 1995
      following the merger of Raynes Park and
      Malden Vale (formed 1967).
                                                                                              CHAIRMAN'S NOTES

      1928 to 1995
                                                                                              As if anyone needed telling the Combined Coun-
      Southern Railway Football Section -                                                     ties Premier League is about as competitive as
      Raynes Park FC                          RAYNES PARK VALE FC                             a football league can be. By comparison the

                                                                                              Champions League is a mate’s five-a-side kick-
      Raynes Park FC used to be based at      Grand Drive
      Taunton Avenue, SW20 at the Raynes      Raynes Park                                     about and when the pressure starts to build                       Enzo
      Park Recreation Group until the 1995/96   Greater London                                at around this time in the season some teams
      merger.  Raynes Park FC was originally   SW20 9DZ                                       falter and some teams dig deep.
      the Southern Railways Football Section                                                       It was an unfortunate affair
      (formed 1928) and were known as         STAFF DIRECTORY                                 On Tuesday night Raynes Park Vale were away at AFC Croy-
      Southern Railway until they changed     Chairman: John Dalton                           don. The team and the manager knew this was a winnable
      name to Raynes Park FC in 1964.  The    Secretary: Paul Armour
      Southern Railway Team was a victim of   Treasurer: Simon Maynard                        game. The home fixture for this meeting was abandoned when
      the notorious 1963 Beeching spending    General Manager: Marc Skinner                   Vale took collective responsibility too far and defended their
      cuts, a national review into modernising                                                team-mates. It was an unfortunate affair and one which taught
      the UK's railways.  Southern Railways   Manager: Josh Gallagher                         the team a valuable lesson - that whatever the provocation and
      1950's home kit was Gold and Green      Programme Editor: Mark Ferrari                  however justified their team mentality and response might
      quarters, the company colours.  Raynes                                                  appear we cannot afford to lose games through ill-discipline.
      Park FC home shirt colours were Red     TODAY'S COVER                                   EVER. When players pull on a RPV shirt they play for them-
      and Black stripes (similar to AC Milan).    Dan Moody                                   selves, their team-mates, their club, their fans and all the
      Another home kit was light blue shirts                                                  people who ensure that, week in and week out, there IS a club
      and white shorts.  Raynes Park FC ran                                                   to play for and every ill-disciplined card, every unnecessary ban
      five senior teams on Saturdays.  The 1st                                                makes winning games that much harder.
      and 2nd XI's played in the Surrey Premier
      League.  The 3rd team played in the                                                     Let’s not get carried away though - great players are at the edge
      Surrey South Eastern Combination while                                                  of their abilities. They invest everything in what they do and
      the 4ths and 5ths played in the                                                         it’s no surprise that, if you play on the edge, you will, some-
      Kingston and District League.                                                                        times, fall over it. When teams look at the fixture
      They also ran an over 35's                                                                              list and see the name Raynes Park Vale FC they
      team and youth teams aged                                                                                  SHOULD worry. They SHOULD be ready to
      14 to 18.                                                                                                     meet a team that will push them all the
                                                                                                                        way - physically and mentally. BUT
      Source: Former RPV FC President, Robert                                                                               -and it’s a big ‘But’ we need to
      Hallett Senior, who was instrumental in                                                                                     make sure that the whole
      the formation of both the Rayes Park and                                                                                                            Continued...
      Raynes Park Vale football clubs.
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