Page 4 - Raynes Park Vale vs Fleet Town
P. 4

Continued from previous page...
          league knows that when RPV win we win fair and square,
          and that brings me back to AFC Croydon on Tuesday night.
          We have seen Croydon play both against us and against other
          teams and we always chat to fans, players and coaches about
          their experiences against other teams and all of this informa-
          tion tells us that Croydon are another team who are deter-
          mined to let the opposition know that they are there and when
          two teams with this, often admirable, attitude come face-to face
          then the results can be explosive. On Tuesday night, howev-
          er, Raynes Park Vale took on the provocation and the urgency
          from the committed Surrey competition and won. Won where
          we should have won at Grand Drive earlier in the year - on the
          pitch - and won how we should have won it on that Saturday
          by being the better team. AFC Croydon were formidable, or-
          ganised opponents on both occasions and it is not my intention
          to denigrate a passionate side but on both of those occasions
          Raynes Park Vale WERE the better side and we DID deserve
          to win. On Tuesday, a team that are never comfortable to play
          against, showed determination, skill AND cool heads. That
          team came away with a 2-0 win and three points.That team was
          Raynes Park Vale. It’s the Raynes Park way!!
                            Welcome Fleet Town
          Today we welcome another fine team from the CCL - Fleet
          Town. We look forward to great game between two great teams
           and I look forward, as ever, to meeting as many of you as
                                          John Dalton

                                          Chairman, Raynes Park Vale F.C.
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