Page 11 - LCP - LCP
P. 11
Calendar of Events
Date What? Content
Q3 2017 activities: [Only to priority 1 accounts]
November 23 Invite 1 to the Work-in/Webinar A customized score card of their LCP with its current
session completion score.
Content highlights why a select few clients are invited to the
November 30 Invite 2 to the Work-in/webinar Email details the pre-work to be done before the work-
session in/webinar session.
December 7 Invite 3 to the Work-in Reinforce pre-work and suggest hacks for pre-work.
December 12 Invite 4 to the Work-in/webinar Prep email about the Work-in/webinar agenda + pre-work
session reinforce.
December 14 Work-in/Webinar sessions across <Agenda TBD>
all 3 offices
Redo the completion score calculation.
Q1 2018 activities [to all accounts]
January 10 onwards Send 1 email every week based on Your LCP activity for the week. (with a 2-step hack to get it
your clients’ completion score. done) – Lakshmi to create these emails. CSMs to send.
March Conduct a work in session mid-
Reevaluate score by end of Q1