Page 2 - Fall 2018 Catalog
P. 2
About Us
My Image On Anything is a Christian operated family business. We believe that God owns this business and we are
simply His stewards of it for a season. We want to make sure that all we do in and through the business honors Him. By
the same token, we do not want to do anything that will dishonor Him.
We strive to do what is right in all our activities. Without integrity, we will not have the impact that we desire. We take
this very seriously. Our creative work must meet strict levels of customer satisfaction and is carefully examined for
accuracy, quality and any defects before it is shipped to our customers. We do not offer refunds or exchanges but take
stringent measures to assure your order is correct and that you will be pleased to display your order.
We are constantly researching and presenting new products. We strive to be better tomorrow than we are today as a
company and as individuals.
We provide the opportunity for all to know God and make Him known. All that we do centers around Him. We believe
everyone should have the opportunity to express their faith and we attempt to create that opportunity through our art.
We use our God given talents and treasures to make a difference in those who need it most. We believe we are part of
the community in which we work and therefore have the responsibility to give back to that community. Whether through
benevolence or sponsor ships, community service or fundraising, we are going to take the time and energy to give to
those who need it.
My Image On Anything reserves the right to refuse reproduction of prohibited content. Prohibited content includes
content or material (text, images or photos) that My Image On Anything believes:
1. Is abusive, deceptive, pornographic, obscene, defamatory, slanderous, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate;
2. Contains copyrighted material used without written permission of the owner;
3. Violates or otherwise encroaches on the rights of others;
4. Advocates illegal activity;
5. Harms anyone, including minors; or
6. Provides a link to any of the above.
Uploading Photos
Files must be 20MB or smaller and .jpg format. The upload time will depend on the file size and your Internet co
nnection speed. Please be patient when uploading a large image.
Please try to use the best-quality image possible.
Depending on print area and size of your photo, minimum photo size requirements will vary. For best print quality your
photo needs to be at 300 dpi. For example, if your photo is 3000 x 2400 pixels in size, it will print best at 10 x 8 inches
or smaller.
If your image is below the minimum resolution/size requirements, do not simply increase the size in your editing
software. You must either re-scan the image or use a higher-quality image.
Please note that most older generation phone cameras will produce photos of very low quality that are too small for
print reproduction. Photos downloaded from Facebook are also of lower quality.
When scanning in photographs, please use a resolution of 300 dpi or more. When taking digital images, set your
camera at the highest possible resolution. You can always reduce the resolution later. Low-resolution images cannot
be increased without loss of image
Your image will be reproduced as it appears. In some cases, we may crop the image for size, to fit the product you
order. Close-ups and images with bright colors will produce the best results.