Page 4 - Fall 2018 Catalog
P. 4

Decorative Tiles

     Tumbled Stone Tiles
     • .39” tumbled stone
     • A rustic alternative to ceramic tiles
     featuring small surface pits & fissures
     as well as rounded & uneven edges
     • The white tile's coating provides a
     better background for photographic
     reproduction while also reducing the
     depth and appearance of surface
     • The natural tile's coating provides the
     most rustic look by preserving surface
     imperfections and offering muted
     color reproduction that is best suited
     for artwork
     STN44MW  3.94”x3.94”, Matte White.
     STN44MNT 3.94”x3.94”, Matte Natural.
     STN66MW  5.91”x5.91”, Matte White.
     STN66MNT 5.91”x5.91”, Matte Natural.

     Tumbled Stone Tiles                    Tuscan Porcelain Tiles
     • Presents images in an old-world style  • Non-porous tiles that can be used for interior water
     • Each tile is individually cut, causing variations in color,   applications such as fountains
     texture, size & thickness              • Not recommended for floor, countertop or exterior use
     TS4X4SHC  3.9375”x3.9375”, Matte.      • Tuscan tiles do not fit our line of wrought iron products
     TS6X6SHC  5.9375”x5.9375”, Matte.      TP4X4DS   3.875”x3.875”, Satin Cream.
                                            TP6X6DS   5.875”x5.875”, Satin White.

                                              Assorted sizes

     Hardboard Tiles                        Tile Easels                             Glass Floor Tiles
     • Beautiful alternative to ceramic tiles & 66% lighter  • A lovely and inexpensive way to display unframed tiles  • Suitable for kitchens, hallways, foyers, business lobbies,
     • Not suitable for outdoor applications  WTA140  4.25”x4.25” Tile Easel.        executive suites & boardrooms
     U5708 2”x2”x.25”.  UC612 6.0625”x12.0625”x.125”.  WTA141  6”x6” Tile Easel.    TWG6X6     6”x6”x.25”, Non-Tempered.
     U5682 4.25”x4.25”x.25”.  U5697 8”x8”x.25”.  WTA142  6”x8” Tile Easel.          TWG12X12NT  12”x12”x.25”, Non-Tempered.
     U5702 4”x6”x.25”.  UC88  8”x8”x.125”.  WTA143  8”x8” Tile Easel.               TWG12X12   12”x12”x.25”, Tempered.
     UC3008 4”x13”.   U5750 8”x10”x.25”.    WTA144  8”x10” Tile Easel.
     U5683 6”x6”x.25”.  U5698 12”x12”x.25”.  WTA145  12”x12” Tile Easel.
     U5684 6”x7.875”x.25”.  UC1218 12.0625”x18”x.125”.

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