Page 12 - Vmeca_Float
P. 12

Vacuum Technology - Suction Cups                                                              3


               VF Series                           Page 179  VBF Series                          on request
                                        ¬  Flat suction cup                           ¬   Bellows-flat suction cup
                                        ¬ Diameter range: Ø15 ~ 300                   ¬ Diameter range: Ø25 ~ 100
                                        ¬  Material selection: NBR, Silicone,         ¬  Material selection: NBR, Silicone,
                                      Conductive silicone, Urethane,                 Polyurethane
               Features & Strengths  Advantages              Features & Strengths  Advantages
                  ¬  Specifically designed for flat and     ¬  Strong lifting force for both     ¬  Highly fast operation in     ¬  Very flexible adjustment
                curved surface        vertical and horizontal application  automobile, glass and wooden   according to different surface
                  ¬  Available to handle multiple     ¬  Stable gripping without sliding and   panel industry  and shape
                objects with the same   shaking                 ¬  Excellent for oily surface     ¬  Excellent for thin, oily and flat and
                suction cup                                    products and convex products  slightly curved metal sheets and
                                                                ¬  Innovatively designed for slightly   automotive panels
                                                               curved and flat material    ¬  Longer life time with PU material
                                                                                     (3 times longer than NBR of

                                                   Available                                     Available
               FCF Series                         on request  VOBF Series                        on request
                                        ¬ Flat-curve suction cup                      ¬ Oval flat bellow suction cup
                                        ¬ ·Diameter range: Ø30 ~ 125                  ¬  Diameter range:
                                        ¬  Material selection: NBR, Silicone,        Ø30x60 ~ Ø55x100
                                      Polyurethane                                    ¬ Material selection: Polyurethane
               Features & Strengths  Advantages              Features & Strengths  Advantages
                  ¬  Excellent for flat and curved     ¬  High speed handling without     ¬  Over bellows shaped for handling     ¬  Excellent performance in high
                material in both vertical and   deformation    long, narrow, curved and oily   speed application – Fast cycle
                horizontal application    ¬  Excellent for thin, oily and flat and   workpieces  time

                  ¬ No vibration when transferring  slightly curved metal sheets and     ¬  The feet inside the cup provide an  ¬ Stable gripping without sliding
                                      automotive panels        anti-slide             ¬  Longer life time with PU material
                                        ¬  Great designed pattern for                (3 times longer than NBR of
                                      anti sliding                                   competitor)

                                                   Available                                     Available
               VDF Series                         on request  VOC Series                         on request
                                        ¬ Deep-flat suction cup                       ¬ Oval-Curved suction cup
                                        ¬ Diameter range: Ø25 ~ 100                   ¬  Diameter range:
                                        ¬ Material selection: Polyurethane           Ø11x23 ~ Ø60x180
                                                                                      ¬  Material selection: NBR, Silicone,
                                                                                     Conductive silicone, Urethane
               Features & Strengths  Advantages              Features & Strengths  Advantages
                  ¬  Highly fast operation in     ¬  Very flexible adjustment     ¬  Good for long objects with flat     ¬  Good lifting forces can be
                automobile, glass and wooden   according to different surface   and curved surfaces  achieved with small size
                panel industry        and shape                 ¬  Strong lifting force and long     ¬  Excellent for parallel to the
                  ¬  Excellent for oily surface     ¬  Excellent for thin, oily and flat and   life-span  surface of the object by thick and
                products and convex products  slightly curved metal sheets and       durable lip structure
                  ¬  Innovatively designed for slightly   automotive panels
                curved and flat material    ¬  Longer life time with PU material
                                      (3 times longer than NBR of

                                                                                                 Vacuum    129

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