Page 9 - Vmeca_Float
P. 9
3 Vacuum Technology
How to select suction cup
Material handling with suction cup is very simple and reliable with
low cost. It is therefore a worth solution before considering more
complicated handling techniques.
Suction cups can lift and hold objects from a few grams up to
several kg.
¬ Easy installation
¬ Low service requirement
¬ Low price
¬ Does not damage the goods
¬ Fast attachment and detachment
Why does a suction cup suck onto the surface it is placed on? It is
quite simple and is all to do with atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric
pressure can generally be defined as the weight of the air above us on
earth. When a lower pressure is created (vacuum) than atmospheric
pressure (1 bar), forces are produced; these forces are required
to enable suction cups to work. As a vacuum is drawn through the
cup, the atmospheric pressure outside the cup is greater than that
inside the cup, thus creating a holding force between the cup and the
surface, the larger the cup and deeper the vacuum then the greater
the holding force.
Weights that can be lifted with suction cup
126 Vacuum
03 Vacuum-1.indd 126 27/04/2018 10:40