Page 4 - Vmeca_Float
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Vacuum Grippers 3
VMECA Vacuum Principle
Vacuum is created with an air-jet system when compressed air The VMECA vacuum cartridge operates using compressed
(1.7 ~ 6bar) passes at high speed through the pump nozzles. air at a pressure of 1.7 ~ 6bar and maintains vacuum despite
VMECA vacuum cartridge is a new and innovative multistage fluctuations and drops in air pressure.
vacuum pump. The VMECA vacuum cartridge design allows the pump to be
It is extremely compact in size and very light weight. located near or at the point of use reducing system volume,
It is “engineering and design friendly” making it easy to increasing speed and reducing cycle time. Reduced system
volume means fewer connections, fewer potential leaks, and
create a vacuum pump and system for a specific application less air to evacuate allowing for an incrementally smaller
or machine. pump using less compressed air.
The VMECA vacuum cartridge provides a high vacuum
flow rate (3times higher) and an extremely quick response
time (about 1.5times faster) compared to typical and
conventional ejectors.
Vacuum Multiple characteristics
Flow Multi-stage ejector
Single-stage ejector
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Vacuum 121
03 Vacuum-1.indd 121 27/04/2018 10:40