Page 4 - IQ Distributor_Pack_single pages (003)_Neat
P. 4


                                                                 Free Carriage                               Discount Terms

                                                              As a distributor you will                     Extremely competitive

                Multi-order Policy                          automatically receive free                            discounts.
                                                           carriage for both online and
                                                             offline orders directly to
             For your convenience, order                       your invoice address.
            multiple times throughout the
             day - all included as part of

                  your free carriage.

                                          Marketing Support

                                                                                            Our Partnership

                                        Each distributor is entitled to
                                      2 FREE campaigns per annum to
                                        help promote your catalogue                          To Support You
                                           and services along with
                                              access to bespoke

                                                supplier flyers.

                 Ordering Times

             Open from 8:30am until 6pm.
            Orders placed online by 10pm*
           will guarantee a next day service.                Monthly Reports
             *Monday to Friday (some items may                                                              Joint Site Visits
                  take 3 days for delivery).
                                                          You will receive a monthly
                                                         report to show how well you                       Your dedicated account
                                                          are performing in each area                  manager will assist you on site
                                                               of your catalogue.                           visits to help you win


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