Page 2 - Demo
P. 2
In the winter of 1955, I was in the army and stationed in Alaska. I found myself alone in the wilderness, many miles o base monitor- ing generators which maintained the critical temperature level in
a large quonset hut housing important materials. At 2:00 AM one morning, I pulled on my mukluk boots, bundled up and left the tiny quonset hut, where I bunked, to check the generators. I stepped out onto the snowy ground and was immediately overwhelmed by the intense silence which enveloped everything. It was almost like you could hear the silence. The only sound was the crunching of my boots on the snow. And then. I stopped. Again... the intense silence. I looked up. And there, from one end of the vast Alaskan sky to the other was the aurora borealis, mesmerizing, dancing everywhere. And tiny insigni cant me down below. It taught me humility and put me in my place in this amazing universe we are privileged to inhabit.