Page 31 - June
P. 31
Monthly Gardening Feature
Introducing … Liz Kilburn has lived in Long Preston and now lives
in Hellifield working at Be A Garden Maker, Wigglesworth in the
Garden Centre. She will be giving you tips each month about what
you can be doing or some interesting gardening information.
April roses.
“April hath put a spirit of youth in
everything”, William Shakespeare. Plant trees to give them the best start
with plenty of spring rain to get them
…. And all of a sudden the garden settled in to the soil before the dry
beckons with a million different jobs! summer days set in. Feed trees with
However don’t panic – just do one at a fish, blood and bone. Stake slender
time and enjoy watching the new year stemmed trees to protect against
unfold. strong winds until they have
established a good anchoring root
Now is the time to feed shrubs and system.
Feed pots with a general feed and
continue monthly for the growing period
– it will give them a boost for the
coming season, the compost starts to
be drained of nutrients if the pots have
been planted for a few years so shrubs
need the extra feed.
Due to good weather early this year
many of you will have given your lawns
their first cut. As a consequence It will
be more important to feed and weed
early. It is also the perfect time to
reseed bare patches which may be
more due to last year’s drought.
Early spring is also the best time to get
rid of garden weeds as the damp soil
can help make weeding easy and
almost effortless but remember don’t
put them in your compost as the seeds
are likely to come back – discard them.
Plant vegetable or flower seeds, and
prepare your veg patch for the coming
Liz Kilburn