Page 46 - June
P. 46

Hellifield Herald                      No material may be reproduced in

       Team                                 whole or in part without permission.
                                            whilst every care is taken for accuracy,
                                            the publisher cannot be held legally

       (ownership and                       responsible for any errors or opinions
                                            in articles, listings or advertisements.
       disclaimers this


       Chair: name, address, phone & email
       Secretary: name, address, phone &
       Editor: name, address, phone & email
       Treasurer: name, address, phone &
       Subscriptions: name, address, phone &
       Distribution: name, address, phone &
       email blah blah

       The Hellifield Herald is published by
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       Message from Article Coordinator

       Hi everyone, hope you are enjoying our new Magazine. Thank you to all those
       who have kindly sent articles etc for the June Edition. However, in order to keep
       providing interesting snippets, we need your help. Please let us have articles for
       the July and August/September additions as soon as possible. We are happy
       to have articles or information on most subjects – for instance let us know if you
       are involved in any local sporting activities; if you have any cooking tips or
       crafting ideas; photographs; drawings etc. We don’t just want the Magazine to
       be about advertisements, although they are very important, and help to keep us
       meeting our production costs. We need your help to provide interesting reading
       – so over to you. Please get in touch at

       If you have sent us an article already and we have failed to include it, please let
       us know, it may have got lost in the mayhem of setting up, and we can try and
       retrieve it and use it in a future issue.

       Hope to hear from you soon. Carol Weston Moore
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