Page 5 - June
P. 5

Hellifield Drop In Centre

       Haw Grove Methodist Church,          social occasion where anyone can
       Thursday sessions for everyone       come along and enjoy a delicious lunch
                                            of main course and homemade
                                            pudding at a reasonable cost.
       Why the Drop In?
       The Drop In was started by the       If you don’t want lunch, tea or coffee is
       Youth Club when it first began       available during the session. Lunch is
       around 2004. Members and             usually around 12.00 noon. At present
       volunteers felt that we should do    we have members ranging from 1½ to
                                            90 years of age. You don’t have to
       something for the wider              book, just turn up and be made very
       community of Hellifield – any        welcome.
       age welcome.
                                            Over 300 people have attended over
       Initially the aim was to help people   the years, but most weeks we get
       become computer literate, and        around 20/25 people, who can chat,
       although Ian Ludlam-Brown still comes   have a drink, keep warm, enjoy a good
       along to give help and advice on     meal, learn some IT, meet their friends
       computer matters and where young     in a comfortable atmosphere – the
       people can come to do their homework,   choice is yours.
       the “Drop In” has expanded into a
                                            Hope to see you soon.
       Age Concern

       Age Concern Hellifield has been in existence for over 30 years. At
       first it provided social gatherings, trips and lunch outings for the
       senior citizens of Hellifield, and did so very successfully. But now,
       needs have changed, and we have moved with the times.

       We are now primarily a luncheon club,  nice meal, and most importantly we
       run entirely by volunteers, catering for   socialize
       the elderly people of Hellifield, many of
       whom live alone and/or are unable to   Due to funding being withdrawn from
       get out unaided.                     luncheon clubs, we now rely
                                            completely on donations, local grants
       Some of our members have been with   etc.
       Age Concern since the start when they
       were volunteers.                     For further information please contact
                                            any of the members or volunteers, or
       We go out every Friday, in the SCAD   ring Janet on 01729 840137.
       minibus, to different local pubs and
       restaurants, thus enjoying a ride out, a

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