Page 138 - Imam Hussain Holy Shrine Projects
P. 138
Imam Hussein Schools
CDMA Project
for Orphans
Project Location Karbala Project Location Hur Quarter / Karbala
Executing Agency Huawei Company Executing Agency Khairat al-Sibtayn Company
Financier Shia Endowment Financier Shia Endowment
Project Area Two hectares
Project Description: This project aims to Project Description: The war on terror has
prepare a high-quality CDMA 2000 mobile had negative effects on Iraq and its people.
connection. It is an important project, as it According to statistics, there are currently over
will provide users with inexpensive and good- three million orphans in Iraq, and the number
quality calls on the shrine’s network. is growing exponentially every year.
The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein is doing
its best for our orphans to live a more
constructive and fruitful life by establishing
academic and cultural centers. Imam Hussein
Schools for Orphans is a massive project that
will include three schools for boys and three
for girls, in addition to libraries and cafeterias.
138 Future Projects Future Projects 139