Page 141 - Imam Hussain Holy Shrine Projects
P. 141

Cultural Complex of

 Diwaniyah  Karbala Media Center

 Project Location  Diwaniyah                                                Project Location  Jam’iya Quarter / Karbala
 Executing Agency    Al-Emara Company                                       Executing Agency    Al-Irth Company
 Financier  Shia Endowment                                                  Financier  Shia Endowment

 Project Area   1800m

 Project Description:   The Cultural Complex                                Project Description:  The building will include
 of Diwaniyah building will consist of 11 floors                            six floors that comprise a cultural center,
 including Holy Quran teaching classrooms,                                  religious school, classrooms and internet halls.
 library and internet halls.

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