Page 145 - Imam Hussain Holy Shrine Projects
P. 145

Karbala Orphanage  Quran Teaching Center

 Project Location  Hur al-Sagheer Quarter / Karbala                         Project Location  Diwaniyah

 Executing Agency   Imam Hussein Holy Shrine                                Executing Agency   Al-I`mar al-Asri Company
 Financier  Shia Endowment                                                  Financier  Shia Endowment
 Project Area   200m

 Project Description:  Karbala Orphanage will                               Project Description:  This building will
 include two floors with a school for religious                             contain two floors with a religious school
 studies, classrooms and a cafeteria.
                                                                            and classrooms. It will be one of the most
                                                                            advanced Quran teaching centers in the

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