Page 8 - Hussein revivalism14
P. 8
Authority and Conduct in a
Time of Conflict
Salam al-Taèe
All peoples and faiths look against ISIS. Islamic conduct of warfare is
to inspirational figures for Redha stresses that the Iraqi respect for the lives and rights
leadership, guidance, and people are under attack from of non-combatants. The al-
moral support, and as a bulwark barbarous murderers who Najaf Religious Authority has
against danger. The complex kill women and children and issued guidelines to those
turmoil engulfing the Middle behead innocent men in the battling against ISIS under the
East calls for strong leaders with name of al-Khilafa al-Islamia title Advice and Guidelines for
the clarity of vision to serve their (Islamic Caliphate). The the Fighters. This text states ‘O
people and guide them through word jihad, the struggle for fighters, do not kill innocents
difficult times. righteousness by morally just or threaten civilians when you
The al-Najaf Religious Authority means, has been appropriated liberate Iraqi territory, because
has shown wisdom and by ISIS to refer to terrorist God Almighty forbids the killing
leadership in guiding the people violence that defies all Islamic of innocents, especially old
of Iraq in their defence against principles.They deface Islam men, women, and children,
the forces that would do them itself, destroying its teachings by including those of your enemies’
harm and shatter the unity of perverting the meaning of jihad families. O fighters, do not steal
the country. Hussein Revivalism in the eyes of the world. Thus it from anyone’s home or prevent
spoke to al-Shaikh Mahdi al- is vital that the Muslims of Iraq, people from living according to
Masudee and the academic as they unite to battle these their rights.’ It advises fighters
Muhammad Redha from the enemies of Islam and liberate to actively 'protect civilians
College of Religion of Karbala our land, restore the name and help others, because they
University about how the al- of jihad by conducting their are alike to your brothers and
Najaf Religious Authority is struggle in a morally just manner. families.’
directing conduct in the conflict The foremost principle of the Redha clarifies that the religious
8 Hussein Revivalism