Page 11 - Hussein revivalism14
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In recent years, people of all      approaches to understanding,
        religions and nations have          regulating, and conducting life
        increasingly had to confront        as part of a society. If we are to
        the dangers of extremism. But       give a comprehensive definition
        what is extremism? What is its      of extremism, it must be clear to
        relation to Islam? Do international   every researcher.’
                                            However Kamal Abeed
        organisations need to mobilise      has been fuelled by the behaviour “
        to combat it? To shed light         suggested that definitions given
        on this dangerous subject,          of ‘extremism’ or ‘radicalism’,
        Hussein Revivalism met with         especially those issued by states,   Islam is most likely
        some academic personalities:        are always dependant upon the
        Dr. Alaa Aziz al-Jobouri, the       agendas, goals, and interests of    to be deviated from
        Deputy Dean of the College of       those who write the definitions.
        Law at the University of Karbala,   Many, especially outside              if a Muslim strays
        Dr. Salem Jarry, Professor in       the Islamic world, have a
        Qur’anic Sciences and the Arabic    preconception of Islam as a         far from and forgets
        Language, Dr. Muhammad Hamid        religion of extreme draconian laws
        Salman from Bahrain, and Kamal      and extreme and brutal methods       the doctrine of the
        Abeed, Editorial Director of the al-  of enforcing them on others. This
        Nabaa Information Network.                                                     Ahl al-Bayt.
                                            of takfiri groups who stretch the
        Dr. Jarry gave the definition of the   divine limits of behaviour and
        Arabic word for extremism, tatarauf,  commit acts of violence and       When the Holy Qur’an was
        which is derived from the Arabic    intimidation against anyone who     revealed, it was clarified that all
        word taraf, meaning ‘extremity’.    does not follow them; they break    should benefit from the blessed
        Taraf denotes the extreme degree,   the divine limits in attacking those   verses and put their words into
        limit, or nature of something.      who live within them. Many in the   action for the sake of serving the
        Islam holds that God has defined    West are under the misguided        community and understanding the
        limits of behaviour, within which   illusion that Islam orders that     requirements of society.
        a person's conduct is moral and     people kill in order to enter       Al-Jobouri continued, saying,
        permitted, and outside of which     Paradise.                           ‘The true understanding of the
        it is immoral and forbidden.        Jarry believes that ‘Islam is most   Holy Qur’an is that it is the book
        Extremism is to push or go beyond  likely to be deviated from if a      of ease, for God the Almighty
        these limits.                       Muslim strays far from and forgets   says, in verses 90:8-10, “Have
        Dr. al-Jobouri added that           the doctrine of the Ahl al-Bayt,    We not made for him two eyes?
        ‘Extremism is the deliberate        which is the path of affection,     And a tongue and two lips? And
        misinterpretation, or over-         tolerance, benevolence, and the     have we not shown him the two
        interpretation, of rules of behaviour,  renunciation of violence, killing,   ways?” Thus God, having given
        abandoning established, realistic   and whatever hurts Islam.’          mankind the mental capacity to

         Dr. Alaa Aziz al-Jobouri            Dr. Muhammad Hamid Salman           Dr. Salem Jarry

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