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        Can We Win the War

        Against ISIS by Focusing

        on Social Media?

                                                                                             JM Berger

        For a forthcoming study             Policy and public activism have     suspension of some accounts, it is
        commissioned by Google Ideas, JM    followed the flow of ISIS media, with   still substantial, likely generating more
        Berger and his colleague set up a   organised campaigns to seek the     than 200,000 tweets per day. ISIS
        system to track pro-ISIS messaging   suspension of supporters’ Twitter   users are also found on Facebook, but
        on social media. Berger recently    accounts, and more dramatically,    reliable numbers are unavailable.
        testified before the Foreign Affairs   a White House summit devoted to   Some of these social media accounts
        Committee in the US House of        countering violent extremism (CVE)   belong to users based in Iraq and
        Representatives about their findings.   by countering ISIS’s narratives and   Syria, who are card-carrying members
        The study will be published by the   recruitment online. The West is    of ISIS. Others are supporters spread
        Brookings Institution’s Project on US   weary of the exigencies of war on the   out around the world, with varying
        Relations with the Islamic World in   ground. Some hope that fighting the   degrees of involvement with the
        early March.                        battle on social media will be enough.  formal organisation.
        In the public eye, ISIS’s online    There are targets in abundance.     ‘Twitter initially resisted becoming
        messaging operations have eclipsed   In a forthcoming study from the    values police, but the spree of
        its military operations on the ground.   Brookings Institution, co-author   beheadings changed that.’
        Its massacres of hundreds of Iraqis   Jonathon Morgan and I estimate    ISIS uses its presence online to
        and Syrians ‘off-screen’ yield relatively   that at least 46,000 Twitter accounts   communicate, both internally and
        few headlines compared to the       were being used to support ISIS in   externally, with a key goal of projecting
        smaller number of murders they carry   the fall of 2014. While the current   its propaganda into areas outside its
        out on camera.                      number is likely lower, due to Twitter’s   physical domain. These messages
                                                                                often contain shockingly sadistic
                                                                                violence, designed to inspire or recruit
                                                                                people with borderline personalities
                                                                                to carry out their own violence in
                                                                                ISIS’s name, whether as fighters
                                                                                with the organisation or in so-called
                                                                                "lone wolf" terrorist attacks where
                                                                                they live. In sharp counterpoint to its
                                                                                grisly executions, ISIS also sends out
                                                                                carefully manipulated images of life
                                                                                in its territories, which it depicts as
                                                                                idyllic and utopian, although tinged
                                                                                with harsh, violent justice for any who
                                                                                fail to conform to its warped vision of
                                                                                Islamic law.
                                                                                Social media dramatically empowers
                                                                                ISIS’s ambitions on the ground.

          14 Hussein Revivalism
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