Page 19 - Hussein revivalism14
P. 19

Arabs everywhere must do all they can to avoid sliding further into

                                      the abyss of sectarian conflict.

        period has been that it has         the same dignity enjoyed by the
        witnessed the suppression and       citizens of advanced Western
        turning back of political reforms   and East Asian countries.
        and cultural and intellectual       With the spiralling of the
        transformations, away from          sectarian wars taking place in
        the freedoms sought for by          Yemen and Syria, Arabs and
        the people and deeper into          Muslims are left wondering
        authoritarianism. In many cases     what will their world be like in a
        the Arab Spring has been an         decade? Who, if anyone, will be
        Arab defeat par excellence.         hailed as the biggest winner of
        This period has seen religious      these wars? Who creates and
        conflict erupt in Egypt, Iraq,      funds terrorist organisations
        Syria, and Libya, among other       like ISIS and al-Qaeda? Who
        places. This has included           will be held responsible for the
        sectarian conflicts between         atrocities being committed, just
        fellow Muslims and a wide           those wielding the weapons or
        campaign to kill or displace        those public figures across the
        Christians and other religious      region issuing genocidal fatwas
        minorities. This is linked to the   and calling for their followers to
        growth of extremist religious       kill their brothers in religion?
        movements like ISIS and similar  US President Barack Obama
        brutal movements in North and       was perhaps right when he said
        Central Africa. These groups        that ‘the greatest threat to Gulf
        use the pretext of establishing     Arabs is not being attacked
        a so-called ‘Islamic Caliphate’     from outside countries but
        in order to exploit religious       discontent within their own
        identity to kill and commit         country, the wrath of angry
        genocide. Full-scale civil wars     youths who are unemployed
        have raged in Libya, Yemen,         and have a sense that there
        and Syria, driven by internal       is no political outlet for their
        tribal, sectarian, or political     grievances.’ Muslims must be
        rivalries. This all has involved    careful not to do the bidding of
        the widespread exploitation         despots and demagogues who
        of women as victims of sexual       only wish to preserve their own
        violence.                           power at the expense of their
        This is good news for the           peoples’ freedoms, property,
        dictators of the Middle East        and dignity. Arabs and Muslims
        who are desperate to distract       everywhere must do all they can
        their citizens from turning public  to avoid sliding further into the
        attention towards their basic       abyss of sectarian conflict.
        needs: freedom, democracy,
        social and economic justice,
        and the provision of essential                                                          Source: CNN
        services to live their lives with

                                                                                            Hussein Revivalism 19
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