Page 16 - The Interconnected Individual: Seizing Opportunity in the Era of AI, Platforms, Apps, and Global Exchanges
P. 16


                              How to Navigate

                                   Your Career

                     “Purpose is a goal toward which we are always working. It is the
                     forward-pointing arrow that motivates our behavior and serves as
                     the organizing principle of our lives. Second, purpose involves a
                     contribution to the world.”
                                                              —E.E. Smith 1

                     •  Understand your own values and purpose to reimagine your own life.
                     •  Hard skills are useful; soft skills are essential.
                     •  Recognize market reality: the emergent world of work.
                     •  Know how to ask the right questions for self-guidance.
                     •  Communicating, networking, lifelong learning, and flexibility are
                       necessary to your success.
                     •  Reimagine career paths.

                      Values to Guide You: Find Your Authentic Self

                  Too many of us go from job to job, and fall into a career that seems
                  “to have happened to us.” Others may have followed a career track, and
                    succeeded at their jobs, but find they are unfulfilled, stuck, and seeking a
                  better fit between their values and work.
                     You can take the entrepreneurial approach to a career just as well as to
                  a start-up. You can begin with exactly the steps the entrepreneur follows:
                  a process to identify your own values and how they can align with your

                  1 E.E. Smith. 2017. The Power of Meaning: Crafting a Life That Matters (New York,
                  NY: Crown), p. 78.
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