Page 21 - The Interconnected Individual: Seizing Opportunity in the Era of AI, Platforms, Apps, and Global Exchanges
P. 21
You will receive scores that are indices comparing your strengths
with a global database as well as show how you align with different
career paths.
Who Do You Know and Who Knows You?
Networking enables you to connect with others to up your game, open
mutual and shared opportunities, and to develop business. By business,
we mean a very broad category of ways people work together to do things,
enabling society to move ahead for the common good, enabling a business
to grow, or enabling you to sustain yourself.
Aaron Hurst suggests that one can find purposeful work through
the purposeful connections that platforms enable, connecting us to
the world irrespective of geography or our individual circumstances.
“The Internet has created a platform that has made it so easy to find
people, products, and services that, in a sense, we are able to create the
village again—though this time, we are not limited by our geography
or social class.” 5
What Do You Know? How Do You Keep Learning and Training?
It is essential to your career plan to establish a personal commitment to
lifelong learning and training.
Vint Cerf suggests,
There is an intrinsic value of work and sense of self-worth: we all
want productive, contributing, meaningful activity. Innovation
both destroys and creates jobs, but most people who lost jobs will
not be able to learn the skills necessary to do the new jobs. Many
people born today will live to 100 and may work 80 years, but they
will not learn everything they need to know in the first 20 years of
life. Keep learning to stay productive and useful; learning to learn
5 A. Hurst. 2014. The Purpose Economy: How Your Desire of Impact, Personal Growth and
Community is Changing the World (Boise, ID, United States of America: Elevate), p. 48.