Page 6 - NAHANCO 2020 Catalog
P. 6


       ROUND                                                    ROUND /standard
       Printed on both sides.                                   3 1/2” outside diameter; 1 3/8” inside diameter; 1/2 lbs.
       Choice of sizes or blank.                               Imprinted:  .25 each  Blank:  .12 each
                                                                White w/black:   “C”  Blank White: CWHT-BLANK
                                                                Black w/gold:   “CG”  Blank Black:  CBLK-BLANK
                                                                Black w/silver:   CBS
                                                                Black w/white:   CBW

                              See                          ROUND /larger interior diameter
                            for Mon-Sun options                        3 1/2” outside diameter; 1 5/8” inside diameter; 1/2 lbs.
                                                                       Imprinted:  .25 each  Blank:  .12 each
                                                                       White w/black:   C2WHITE  Blank White: C2WHITE-BLANK
                                                               C2WHITE/  Black w/gold:   C2BLACK  Blank Black:  C2BLACK-BLANK
                      Fits round, square and rectangular hangrails.  Choice of
                      sizes or blank. 2”W x 5”H; 1 3/8” inside diameter; 1/2 lbs.   GRAND
                      Imprinted:  .25 each  Blank:  .12 each                       Fits round, square and rectangular
                      White w/black:   QSD-W  Blank White: QSDWHT-BLANK            hangrails.  Choice of sizes or blank.
                      Black w/gold:   QSD-B  Blank Black:  GSDBLK-BLANK            2 5/8”W x 5 3/4”H; 1 3/8” inside
                      Black w/silver:   QSDBS                                      diameter; 1/2 lbs.  .40 each
                      Black w/white:   QSDBW
          QSD                                                                          Black w/gold:   GSD-B
                                                                                        Blank Black:    GSDBLK-BLANK
                                                                                      White w/black:   GSD-W
                                                                                        Blank White:   GSDWHT-BLANK
           Custom colors                 REGULAR                            GSD
            and custom                   Fits round, square and rectangular
         printing available              hangrails.  Choice of sizes or blank.
                                         2 3/4”W x 6 3/4”H; 1 5/16” inside
            for most size                diameter; 1/2 lbs.  .40 each                   EXTRA LARGE
           divider styles.                   White w/black:    RSD-W                    Fits round, square and rectangu-
         Call or email us to                 Black w/gold:   RSD-B                      lar hangrails.  Choice of sizes or
            learn more.                       Blank White:  RSD-W/BLANK                 blank. 4”W x 7”H; 1 3/8” inside
                                       RSD    Blank Black:   RSD-B/BLANK                diameter; 1/2 lbs.  .46 each
                                                                                        White w/black:    XLRSDW
                                                                                        Black w/gold:   XLRSDB
                                                                                        Blank White:  XLRSD-W/BLANK
              D25                                                                       Blank Black:   XLRSD-B/BLANK
                          QUEEN                                      XLRSD
                          Fits round hangrails.  Choice of sizes or blank. 3
                          3/4”W x9 5/16”H; 1 1/2” inside diameter; 5/6 lbs.
                          50 pieces per pack                         D120W
                          Blank:             Imprinted*:
                          Blank White: D15 15.00  White w/black:  D15I  20.00    D220B
                          Blank Clear:  D05 15.00  Clear w/black:   D05I  25.00        DELUXE
                          Blank Black:  D25 15.00  Black w/gold:   D25I  25.00         Works with E1 inserts. 3 3/4”W x
                                             * Minimum order of 100                    10”H; 1 3/4” inside diameter; 8 lbs.
           D05                               pieces  -  2 packs - (same                50 pieces per pack/  25.99
                       D15                   size) for imprinting
                                                                                        White:  D120W
                                                                                        Clear:  D20C
                                                                                        Black:   D220B
                                      Slot for inter-changeable sizes. Packed with
                                      blank white inserts or specify pre-printed.
                                      3 3/4”W x 10 3/4”H; 1 3/8” inside diameter;
                                      200 pack /21lbs; 100 pack /11lbs.
                                      White:  200  175 “E”  68.00                 Extra Inserts (E1)
                                                                                  Fits Deluxe and King size dividers.
                                      Clear:  200  75 “E”  68.00                  3 1/4”W x 2 1.2”H; 1/2 lbs.
                                                                                  100 pieces per pack
                                      Black:   200  275 “E”  72.00                White w/black imprint: “E1”  35.00
                                                                                  Blank White:
     6          PHONE: 1-800-HANGERS                      FAX-IT-FREE: 1-800-523-5896
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