Page 7 - NAHANCO 2020 Catalog
P. 7

style #  $  qty    description  size   wgt   Dividers, Markers & Labels  SIZE DIVIDERS

                                                                                                   BACK ROOM
     TSDBLK-BLANK          Black blank
        TSDB             Black /gold imprint  T-shape:                                           RAIL DIVIDERS
     TSDWHT-BLANK  .35 each 1  White blank  6”H x 6 1/2”W;   1/3         TSDBLK-BLANK
        TSDW               White /bla  1 1/2” inside dia.
                           ck imprint                  TSDW                                     BRDSB
                                       19” long:                                                         BRDCB
        BRDSB  12.99  25     Black    Straight body  4/5
        BRDSY  16.99        Yellow
       BRDCB   12.99  25     Black    Curvy body  4/5
       BRDCY   16.49        Yellow
      BRDINSERT .19 each 1  white blank inserts  3.625” x 2.2”  1                                         BRDCY
     BRDINSERT50  6.90  50
         SCXS               White
         SCS              w/ black imprint
         SCM                           1/4”L x   2                                               SIZE MARKERS
         SCL   15.99  1000  (works with P12, P13,   5/8”H x             Side Size Clips
         SCXL           P14, P16, B14, 2681-10,   1/4”W  New
                         2681-12, 1681/8W,
        SC2XL           1681/10W, 1681/12/W)                                                            MSM
        MSM    8.00  100   White/Black  1/2”   1/2                       snap in
                                                                         size clip
        SM25   2.90  25    White/Black  3/4”   1/2
                                                                                     Mini Size Markers
         SM    9.90  100   White/Black  3/4”   1/2
         SMB   9.90  100   Black/White  3/4”   1/2                   SM/ SMB/ VHSM25  VSM

       VHSM25  2.90  25    Black/White  3/4”   1/2
         VSM   15.00  500  Black/White  3/4”   1
                        Angular VICS markers
           Please visit for a complete list of all of                           Size
             the imprinted sizes available for our SM lines                               Marker   VSMTOOL
                        Metal tool removes size
       VSMTOOL  4.99  1  markers from hanger  5 5/8”  1                                  Remover

       SMCOLOR  4.90  50  Plain color (Specify)   3/4”  1/2  SMCOLOR
       COLORS:   black, white, violet, brown, green, lt green, dk green, orange, yellow,   Plain Colored Size Markers
        lt yellow, blue, dk blue, pink, neon-orange red, dk red, grey, beige, magenta  Actual colors may vary
                                                                                  slightly from image
        RBKSM   9.90 100   Specify size  3/4”  1/2
             SMALL (Red); MEDIUM (Orange); LARGE (Yellow);                     RBKSM       Colored Size Markers
             X-LARGE (Green); XXL (Navy Blue); XXXL (Black)

                                      Adjusts up
                                        to 24
         TRAY   12.99  1  Clear heavy duty tray   compartments   2/6
                         w/ locking clasps  14 x 8 1/2 x 2  TRAY
                                                                        Storage Tray for
                           Clear with  1 1/4” w                           Size Markers           SIZING LABELS
         DSM   3.90  250  black print on white   x 5” h  1/2
        DSMBOX  5.90  1  Lt. grey cardboard    8” w x 5” h   1/3                   Hem / Inseam Labels
                                       x 5” d                                      Custom available
                        Clear with black print:                                                        DSM
        LBXS                 XS
         LBS                  S
         LBM                 M
         LBL                  L                                        DSMBOX
        LBXL   4.99  1000    XL        1/2” w  1
        LBXXL                XXL
        LB1X                 1X
        LB2X                 2X                         Clear Acetate
        LB3X                 3X                            Labels

                PHONE: 1-800-HANGERS                      FAX-IT-FREE: 1-800-523-5896  7
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