P. 72
8. Tests on the colors of cars were 10. The process of photosynthesis
conducted at the University of explains how _____ able to use the
California to determine ______ the energy in sunlight to manufacture
safest colors for cars. foods from the simple chemicals in air
and water.
(A) which
(B) which were (A) green plants
(C) if (B) green plants are
(D) how were (C) planting greens
(D) with green plants are
9. The National Institute of Dental
Research estimates _____ in
fluoridated areas have about 25
percent less tooth decay than
children elsewhere.
(A) for school children
(B) school children's
(C) that school children
(D) that for school children
TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-8): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best
completes the sentence.
1. Air near the equator _______ a faster 4. ________ aerodynamic design has
west-to-east motion than air farther contributed a major part in reducing
from the equator. resistance to motion.
(A) to have (A) Improved
(B) it has (B) It improves
(C) has (C) Improvement
(D) having (D) They improve
2. About 4000 B.C., humans discovered 5. The southern part of Florida is much
that _____ obtained from special warmer in the winter than the
rocks called ores. northern part, so more _____ to the
(A) metals could be
(B) the ability of metallic (A) flocking tourists
(C) possibly metallic (B) touring flocks
(D) could metals be (C) flocks of tourists
(D) tourists flock
3. ____ quickly after an animal dies.
(A) In the degradation of DNA 6. The Moon's gravity pulls water on
(B) Degrading DNA the near side of the Earth toward the
(C) DNA degrades Moon, and this is what ______ tides to
(D) For DNA to degrade occur.
(A) the cause (C) causing
(B) causes (D) the cause of