P. 78

5.    ____   that hunted other animals        8.    ____  that accompany recurring
                          tended to have very narrow, sharp,            bouts of severe depression reduce bone
                          curved claws.                                 density.

                          (A)  For dinosaurs                            (A)  It changes hormones
                          (B)  Dinosaurs are known                      (B)  Hormonal changes
                          (C)  Dinosaurs                                (C)  The hormones change
                          (D)  Like dinosaurs                           (D)  The change in hormones is
                       6.  The first eyeglasses had convex           9.  Willa Cather is an author ______  for
                          lenses for the aged who  _____  far-          her evocative and memorable vision of
                          sighted.                                      frontier prairie life.

                          (A)  had become                               (A)  whom readers
                          (B)  they had become                          (B)  the praise of readers
                          (C)  becoming                                 (C)  whom praisings
                          (D)  it became                                (D)  whom readers praise

                       7.  Chimney Rock,  ______  500 feet above    10.   Mars's tiny moon Phobos is a small
                          the North Platte River, has eroded            mountain of rock that _____ from the
                          considerably in the last two centuries.       asteroid  belt  by  Mars's  gravitational
                          (A)  stands
                          (B)  in standing                              (A)  was probably captured
                          (C)  it stands                                (B)  it probably
                          (D)  which stands                             (C)  the probable capture
                                                                        (D)  probably the capture

                     TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-10):   Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best
                     completes the sentence.

                       1.  _____ is famous as the home of the        3.  With  ____  of sophisticated oil lamps,
                          United States Naval Academy.                  elaborate tools were made to cut the
                          (A)  Annapolis
                          (B)  Because of Annapolis                     (A)  appeared
                          (C)  Why Annapolis                            (B)  the appearance
                          (D)  Because Annapolis                        (C)  the appearance was
                                                                        (D)  it appeared
                       2.  Some scientists think   _____  be a
                          planet but a moon of Neptune.              4.  Fort Union was the site of what ______
                                                                        principal fur-trading post on the upper
                          (A)  that Pluto does not seem
                          (B)  not Pluto                                Missouri River.
                          (C)  Pluto that might not                     (A)  the
                          (D)  that Pluto might not                     (B)  being the
                                                                        (C)  was the
                                                                        (D)  it was the

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