Page 141 - Paulisms: Gold Nuggets for Small Business
P. 141

 monitor the performance of your marketing. More often than not, the marketing isn’t working due to the people receiving the leads not working the opportunity hard enough.
Paulism: Beware of new managers in your business, particularly around marketing, as they may want to make changes immediately after they arrive and stamp their flair and opinions! Put controls in place.
5.5 Mission statement, vision, purpose & USPs
In this chapter I probably will get offside with marketing, brand strategists and advertising people.
5.5.1 Mission and vision statements
Over the years, I had a few cracks at mission and vision statements, unique selling propositions (USPs), taglines, defining culture, etc. I always got mission statements and vision confused and could never work it out. Most of the time it was hard to remember what the mission and vision were. They were developed and were then lost in getting on with the job at hand. It was as if we had to write these to make us a better company.
However, it cannot be superficial like that. We can’t just be a good company and have people understand us by a mission statement and vision that is plastered all over websites. You cannot force from the outside

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