Page 239 - Paulisms: Gold Nuggets for Small Business
P. 239
Team Warm-up Exercise: The Similarities Between a Car and a Business
I thought of this (like Paul’s Funnel) the morning before an induction session. I was thinking of an exercise to warm up the group and, eureka! this idea popped out. From experience, it is often hard to get the brain’s juices flowing and a group of people fired up for a meeting or training. I am sure we have all been in meetings or training where it has taken a long time to get people interacting with each other and the presenter. This exercise helps get people involved and thinking creatively. It helps break the ice and warms up the audience for the purpose of why they are gathered.
Warm-up exercise
Start with the question: What are the similarities between a car and business? Brainstorm this on a whiteboard.
Steering wheel
GPS/map Driver
WOF Registration
Enables you to change direction.
Keeps you in the lane... to focus on the straight and narrow. Ability to steer you away from trouble.
A tool for reaching your final destination.
Need to know where you are going in the business... need a plan. Need a manager to drive the business and set the strategy.
Need to have regular check-ups, e.g. P&L every month.
Need compliance with the laws and regulations.