Page 240 - Paulisms: Gold Nuggets for Small Business
P. 240
Safety belts/airbags Aerial
Fuel Passengers
Brakes Indicators
Car label, e.g. Audi
Car computer technology
Mirrors Wheels Number plate
Need to be able to see where you are, e.g. strong financial control, and to be alert.
Need to have a clear vision of where you are going.
Need to be in safe environment, e.g. Health and Safety rules.
Need to be able to receive information, e.g. internet.
Tuning in for information.
Tool to be able to receive information and communications.
Need to know whether you are going too fast or too slow, e.g. causing cash flow issues.
Adjust the speed for the situation.
Money is the fuel that drives a business.
Business must have people/passengers who come along for the journey.
Must have controls in place to stop in a hurry, e.g. financial controls.
People must know where you are going and be clear for others to know where you are going.
Must be able to handle the knocks that come along from time to time.
Need a strong brand for people to relate to and trust.
Helps to be a better driver and business person and provides tools of the trade.
Often provides the tools for a smoother business/ride.
To be vigilant of what’s coming up behind.
Like sales, it is a tool to take us to where we want to be.
Each company has its own unique registration and tax number.
Paulism: This is a great warm-up exercise to loosen up people’s minds, ready for the next session.