Page 47 - Paulisms: Gold Nuggets for Small Business
P. 47
I leave you that thought!
Paulism: Systemise the hell out of everything in your business, which, with less re-work and mistakes and higher staff retention, creates more scalability for your business and at the same time providing consistency and a training platform.
2.2 KIS – Keep it simple
Some people say, ‘Keep it simple, stupid’, but my version is just ‘Keep it simple’.
The most successful and enjoyable things in life are most often the simple things. In business you have to keep it simple. Cut down the fancy complicated stuff.
When people from overseas ask what is so great about New Zealand, I say (other than the extraordinary scenery, isolation and people!) that it’s simple; it’s easy to do business, taxes are simple... it’s a simple country. Try going through customs in Russia!
You’ve got to have good, simple systems in place. When putting systems in place, I tell my team: don’t think about writing it at your own level of understanding or comprehension – you’ve got to write at a level so a child can understand. The late, great John F. Kennedy used to write all his speeches so that simple people like myself could understand it and so there would be no doubt what he meant.