P. 8
The reasons for those which I am taking the English Writing course is because
in the future as English teacher, this subject will be a very important tool that
allow me teach of better way to students.
First of that, in this course we study all about spelling, grammar and the use of a
formal language to edit essays or other writings. So, the specific reason is
because I want to improve my spelling in English, of the same way I want to
know more in relation to the different types of existent paragraphs in this
matter, the functionality and also the structure that is used in a certain
paragraph. In second place, I desire to acquire several strategies to improve my
ability when I speak in English.
Actually, I want to speak English in a fluent way, however still I have certain
problems to express me in English, due to the vocabulary lack, especially with
reference to words difficult of pronounce.
Finally, to reach all these expectations, I have to be more participative during
this class and, of the same way to work in group, sharing ideas to improve our
knowledge like students. Something very important it is the autonomous work,
where I can use the main resource that is the “internet” and others like for
example: flash cards, listen to English music and watch videos according to the
theme that help to reach my objectives.