Page 10 - tomato
P. 10


                       Apart  from  eating,  tomatoes  can
                       be  used  to  cure  pimples.

                       Use  freshly  cut  tomatoes  to
                       paint  all  your  face.  Close  your
                       eyes  and  rest  about  l  hour.

                       Then  wash  off  with  warm
                       water.  Do  this  everyday  for  a
                       week.  Your  pimples  will

                       disappear.  Moreover,  you  can  wash  your  face  with  tomato
                       juice.  Slice  a  half  tomato  and  rub  all  your  face.  Wait  for  2-3
                       minutes  and  wash  off  with  warm  water.  This  helps  to  reduce

                       an  oily  face  and  tighten  the  pores.
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